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Mr. Yogi Akbar Sunardiansyah, S.Ab [Marketing]


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Fax number of Mr. Yogi Akbar Sunardiansyah, S.Ab at Tenggarong Kutai Kartanegara


Jl. Imam Bonjol No 20 RSU Parikesit
Tenggarong Kutai Kartanegara, Kalimantan Timur

PT Cipta Visi Sinar Kencana, Jl. Pungkur No 115 Bandung, T. Kontak + 62-811208648 - 81572527115
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Pupuk Kompos [ Organic Compost ] Green Phoskko® ( GP-3)
PriceRp 9.500,- ( Per Pack 5 Kg), Min Order 1 ton~ 200 Kantong
Quantity Order:
Payment MethodTelegraphic Transfer (T/T)
QuantityPer 5 Kg
Pack. & DeliveryPacking Plastic PE 1 mm @ 5 kg
Green Phoskko ® ( GP- 3 ) Compost ( 5 kg ) is the first quality compost with the content such as: NPK < 1.5% , C / N ratio 50 ppm combined with bacterial additive binding of N and P in amounts sufficient for solving the interests of colloidal bonding with other chemical nutrients in the soil. Form / appearance of products together with the Green Phoskko B , typically used for lawn or landscape plants , vegetable plants , food crops , or plantation crops . _______________________________________________Phoskko Green ® Compost have their uses , among others, as follows : Improving soil physical properties , such as structure , water binding capacity and soil porosity Enrich the soil , both macro and micro Improve soil fertility by adding nutrients plants. Protect against damage due to soil erosion. ______________________________________________________Phoskko Green ® ( GP- 3 ) Compost is a natural organic fertilizer so that its use is very familiar with the environment . Beneficial in improving soil structure argillaceous become lighter , enlarging the power tie sandy soil so that no loose soil , improve drainage and good air in the soil so that the occurrence of oxygen flowing through soil pores , the soil will enhance the bonding power nutrient, provides good food for the microbes to plants , decrease the activity of microbial pathogens and increase the water binding capacity of soil is characterized by loose and does not harden. ______________________________________The use of dose in general: _________________________________________________1 . 2 6 tons of food plants / ha or 0.05 0.1 kg / plant 2 . Plant seeds and tubers 1.5 2.0 tons / ha 3 . Fruits and plantation crops 2.0 4.0 kg / phn / yr 4 . Vegetables 2.0 6.0 tons / ha 5 . 15 grams of flowers / plants 6 . 1.0 shrimp 2.0 tonnes / ha 7 . Forest crops 2 5 kg / phn / yr
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