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Name:Mr. kembang tahu
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Mobile Number:Mobile number of Mr. kembang tahu at Bandung
Phone Number:Phone number of Mr. kembang tahu at Bandung
Address:Bandung, Jawa Barat
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Registration Date:Jun. 25, 2024
Last Updated:Jul. 29, 2015
Business Nature:Trade of Health & Beauty category

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Selling dried beancurd fast
With multiple choices of taste:
, original flavor
, cheese flavor
, milk flavor
, taste of the tuna
, sweet and sour taste
, salad spicy sweet taste
, Packed with size: 100 grams, 250 grams, 500.1000 grams
Pure without preservatives, healthy, nutritious, safe and lasting up to 20 days.
Call for reservations: 081312120123 sub sales

MANFAATKEMBANG KNOW or known by the name fa tofu or bean curd has many benefits because the basic material is soy. Eating regularly able to improve health and prevent various diseases such as the following:

1. Antiaging
The content of isoflavones in soy turns out to be anti-aging. This compound will dissolve in water. Isoflavones are very good to help ward off free radicals cause premature aging.

2. Preventing cancer
Isoflavones are magical content in soy can prevent diseases such as breast cancer, colon, cancer postrat, lung, stomach cancer, uterine and rectal.

3. Relieve diabetes
Soybeans contain fiber rapidly dissolves thereby lowering blood cholesterol, blood sugar helps prevent diabetes automated attack.

4. Substances builder
Soybean contains many proteins that function as a body builder. Good for the development of brain cells in children, soy protein nourish the body, increase stamina, and good body cell production.

5. Reduce the symptoms of menopause
The content of soybeans in the form of phytoestrogens and isoflavones can help provide a sense of comfort when the symptoms of menopause. Menopause occurs because the levels of estrogen in the body decreases, causing dry skin, emotionally unstable, depressed. Then multiply the consumption of soy protein helps the need to survive the effects of menopausal symptoms.

6. Preventing osteoporosis
Peptide soybean yields are digested in the body turned out to contain a lot of calcium. And with the help of the production of calcium from soy may help us prevent osteoporosis. Soy can help children increase the intake of calcium other than calcium milk.

7. Prevent atherosclerosis
Atherosclerosis is an inflammation of the blood vessels caused by plaque buildup man ateromatus. Carbohydrates in the form of coarse fiber consisting Darg contained in soy that can prevent atherosclerosis.


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