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Mr. gunawan [Marketing]


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Phone number of Mr. gunawan at Kebon Jeruk - Jakarta Barat

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Mobile number of Mr. gunawan at Kebon Jeruk - Jakarta Barat

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Fax number of Mr. gunawan at Kebon Jeruk - Jakarta Barat


Jl.Madrasah I No.45
Kebon Jeruk - Jakarta Barat 11540, Jakarta

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Sink table | Bowl sink | Pot Sink | Meja cuci piring | Comparment Sink
We serve the manufacturing of various kinds of stainless dishwasher table | table Sink | Bowl sink | Sink Pot | Table sink with guaranteed quality and size / design can be....
Meja Stainless | Work table stainless | StainlessTable | Stainless table | Work table stainless | StainlessTable
We are also ready to help you for making various kinds of stainless table ( stainless table) for household kitchens, restaurants, hotels, hospitals, etc .

By using stainless....
Kitchen set | Kitchen equipment | Kitchen design | Kitchen stainless | Alat dapur stainless
PT. MITRA MULTI SOLUSI STAINLESS DIVISION, Ready to serve you for making various kinds of Kitchen Stainless for kitchens good for households, offices, restaurants, hotels, ....
Tiang antrian | Tiang pembatas antrian | Tiang antrian Stainless | Tiang Pembatas antrian stainless | q-up stand | Barier | Queue pole | pole barrier queue | queue Stainless Pillar | Pillar guides stainless queue | q-up stand | barrier
We are ready to help you to procure various types of queues pole | pole stainless queue | q-up stand | barrier | fencing queue | limiting queue | queue ribbon pole | pole straps....
Stainless Trash | Standing Ashtray | Ashtray Stainless | Dustbin | Stainless Tong garbage | garbage Bak stainless | Tempat Sampah Stainless | Standing Ashtray | Asbak Stainless | Dustbin | Tong sampah stainless | Bak sampah stainless
Ready to receive your order various bins stainless / Standing Astray / stainless trash / garbage / Dustbin stainless with .

minimum order of 50 units .
Trolley Makanan | Trolley Minuman | Trolley Knock Down | Work Tables Knock Down | Meja Stainless | Working Table | Pipe Wal Shelf | Solid Wal Shelf
We sell trolley of food, drink, stainless table, WOD top table with knock down system which we import directly from china, for quality no doubt. please try to at your place .
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