Specification :
In addition to a mixture of tobacco, cloves have many benefits for kesehatann including:
1. Toothache:
How to I: a few pieces of clove leaves are washed, brewed with boiling water, then crushed. Squeeze with a cloth, wet the cotton with the liquid, put into a tooth cavity pain.
How II: drops of clove oil to a cotton swab and insert it into the pain of cavities. Do not be repeated before 8 hours and do not use more than 2 days because it can damage the teeth.
1. Mouth Odor:
5 flowers washed clove, brewed with ½ cup water. Allow to cool. The water used to rinse his mouth.
3. Nausea:
Potion No. 2 can be drunk while warm for nausea drug.
1. Dysmenorrhea:
2 clove flower, 7 coriander, turmeric, measuring 2 cm, peeled, washed, 1 flat teaspoon grated nutmeg. All boiled with 1 cup of water until the water half. Strain and drink the water warm.
5. Whooping Cough:
5 flowers clove, 10 pieces of betel leaf, 1 slice of Chinese cinnamon washed about 5 cm, 1 tablespoon grated nutmeg flat, boiled with 1 L of water until the water is staying half. Taken several times a day.
6. Fever due to malaria:
3 clove flower, 4 slices of ginger, 5 plants and their roots meniran, Chinese cinnamon piece size of 5 cm, all washed. Boil until the water with a glass of water half.
7. Cough:
10 clove flowers, 10 pieces of betel leaf, nutmeg meat from one nutmeg. All washed. Pala crushed. Boil 3 cups of water until water live half. Let cool. Drink 3 times a day @ 4 tbsp. ( Children half enough.) Every time you add the feeling of drinking lemon juice 1 slice of orange.
8. Blacken eyebrows:
5 cloves dried, roasted and then mashed. 5 candle burned out the oil, then oil is taken. Mix the hazelnut oil with a clove finely. Apply every evening on his eyebrows.