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Penghancur Kertas GBC

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Penghancur Kertas GBC
Penghancur Kertas GBC
Welcome to
Penghancur Kertas GBC


Trikom Kharisma is an ITC Company that sells not only IT products but also office equipments such as paper shredder, lamination machine and binding machine.

One of the office equipment popular brand in the world is GBC or GBC Shredmaster.
GBC stands for General Binding Corporation.
GBC was founded in 1947 in Chicago, Illanois.
In some countries GBC brand is known as Rexel.

Some of GBC products are:
GBC Paper Shredder
GBC Lamination Machine
GBC Binding Machine

We are an authorized dealer of GBC products in Indonesia.

For more information, please go to our main website:


or email us:

marketing@ trikomkharisma.com

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