Specification :
With the development of industrialization now , bearings play an more important role in the industry, which are most required in the operation of all types of machines . As one of the largest KOYO bearing distributor in China , we have exported our KOYO bearings to the whole Asian market . E.g. india is one of our leading market , at the same time , Russia is also one of our main markets , our turnover can be reach up to millions RMB to the above two countries annually. In addition, the requirement tendency in the four small tigers , Singapore , Korean , Hongkong , Taiwan is continuingly boosting . Obviously, our KOYO bearings share a large market in Asia. During the last years , we have exported tons of KOYO bearings to Vietnam, Indonesia , Malaysia , Tailand , etc . In a word , our bearings are widely accepted by the Asian countries .In order to enlarge our advantage, we stock thousand of KOYO bearing in our warehouse, from one millimeter in diameter to over seven meters in diameter . Whether you are in Automotive OEM , Heavy Duty market and industrial aftermarket . we can fulfill your bearing requirements . What’ s more, if you happen to any problems in testing operation , running or maintaining . Our engineer can give you relative technology assistance.The following are some bearing part no. of KOYO bearings , 1220-3/ 4ECG 6906VV 32024XJ NJ219W 1220-3/ 4ECGHLT 6906ZZ 32026XJ NJ2204W1220-3/ 4G 6907DDU 32028XJ NJ2205ET 1220-3/ 4SG 6907VV 3202B-2RSTN NJ2205W1220J 6907ZZ 3202B-2ZTN NJ2206ET 1220KJ 6908DDU 3202BTN NJ2206W 1221J 6908VV3202BZTN NJ2207ET 1222J 6908ZZ 3202J NJ2207W 1222K 6909DDU 32030XJ NJ2208ET1224M 6909VV 32032XJ NJ2208W 1225-15/ 16ECG 6909ZZ 32034XJ NJ2209ET 1225-15/ 16G6910DDU 32036XJ NJ2209W 1225-15/ 16SG 6910VV 32038XJ NJ220EM 1225-1ECG 6910ZZ3203B-2RSTN NJ220ET 1225-1G 6911VV 3203B-2ZTN NJ220W 1225-1GHLT 6911ZZ 3203BTNNJ2210ET 1225-1SG 6912DDU 3203J NJ2210W 1225-25ECG 6912VV 32040XJ NJ2211ET 1225-25ECGHLT 6912ZZ 32044XJ NJ2211M 1225-25G 6913DDU 32048XJ NJ2211W1225-25GHLT 6913VV 3204B-2RSTN NJ2212ET 1225-25SG 6913ZZ 3204B-2ZTN NJ2212W1225-7/ 8ECG 6914VV 3204BTN NJ2213ET 1230-1.1/ 16ECG 6914ZZ 3204J NJ2213M1230-1.1/ 4ECG 6915VV 3205B-2RSNRTN NJ2213W 1230-1.1/ 4G 6915ZZ 3205B-2RSTNNJ2214ET 1230-1.1/ 4SG 6916DDU 3205B-2ZTN NJ2214W 1230-1.1/ 8ECG 6916VV 3205BNRTNNJ2215ET 1230-1.1/ 8ECGHLT 6916ZZ 3205BTN NJ2215W 1230-1.3/ 16ECG 6917ZZ 3205J NJ2216ET1230-1.3/ 16G6918VV3206B-2RSNRTNNJ2216W1230-1.3/ 16SG6918ZZ3206B-2RSTN NJ2217ET 1235-35ECG6940M3208B-2ZNRTNNJ2224W1235-35ECGHLT6944M3208B-2ZTNNJ2226M1235-35 G6948M3208BTNNJ2226W1235-35GHLT694ZZ3208JNJ2228M1235-35SG6952M3209B-2RSTNNJ2 228W1240-1.1/ 2ECG6956M3209B-2ZTNNJ222EM1240-1.1/ 2G695ZZ3209BTNNJ222W1240-1.1 / 2SG6960M3209JNJ2230M1240-1.7/ 16SG696DD3210B-2RSTNNJ224EM1240-40ECG696ZZ3210 B-2ZTNNJ224W1240-40ECGHLT6972M3210BNRTNNJ226W1240-40G697ZZ3210BTNNJ228M1240- 40GHLT698DD3210JNJ228W1240-40SG698ZZ3211B-2RSTNNJ2305ET1245-1.11/ 16ECG699DD3 211B-2ZTNNJ2305W1245-1.3/ 4ECG7000A5TRDULP33211BTNNJ2306ET1245-1.5/ 8ECG7000A5 TRDULP33211JNJ2306M1245-45ECG7000A5TRDUMP33212B-2RSTNNJ2306W1245-45G7000A5TR DUMP33212B-2ZTNNJ2307ET1250-1.15/ 16ECG7000BM3212BTNNJ2307W1250-2ECG7000CTRDU LP33212WANJ2308ET1250-50-2Z7000CTRDULP33213B-2RSTNNJ2308M