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ICQ: noorrohmat@yahoo.co.id
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Y!: noorrohmat@yahoo.co.id 
Phone Number:
Phone number of Mr. NOOR ROHMAT SH at Jakarta Pusat
Mobile Number:
Mobile number of Mr. NOOR ROHMAT SH at Jakarta Pusat
Jakarta Pusat, Jakarta
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Registration Date: Jan. 20, 2015Last Updated: Jul. 3, 2015
Business Nature: Service of Business Services category

Company Brief


LICENSING SERVICE is Our Specialty Services Document and Licensing deal-making, in Jakarta, Bogor, Depok, Tangerang and Bekasi ( Jabodetabek) ,
Some of the services we offer:
â € ¢ Document Handling Establishment of Enterprises
â € ¢ Establishment of PT,
â € ¢ Establishment CV,
â € ¢ Establishment of UD,
â € ¢ Establishment of PMA,
â € ¢ Establishment of Industrial Permits,
â € ¢ Establishment Permit Domicile and
â € ¢ TIN
â € ¢ Handling Notary Act
â € ¢ Changes in Shares,
â € ¢ The position of the Company and the Business Sector
â € ¢ SIUP
â € ¢ Handling TDP
â € ¢ Trade Permit and Company Registration
â € ¢ Management Public Company
â € ¢ Document Preparation Services PT,
â € ¢ Document Preparation Services CV
â € ¢ Individual Company Management
â € ¢ Document Preparation Services PD / UD
Deed - Deed:
1. Sale and Purchase Ship / Aircraft
2. Establishment of PT. FDI ( Foreign Direct Investment)
3. Sell Buy Building ground state
4. The lease agreement
5. Agreement BOT ( Build Over Transfer)
6. Establishment PT ( Company Limited) , Dissolution PT, Merger PT
7. Establishment CV, Out into Persero
8. Authorization to Sell
9. The General Meeting of Shareholders
10. Novation
11. Credit Agreement
12. Personal Guarantee
13. Syndication
14. Legalization, Warmaking
15. Fiduciary, Cessie
16. Establishment of Cooperative ( for this case Notary must have a certificate from the Minister of Cooperatives and SMEs
Acts of PPAT
1. Sale and Purchase
2. Swap Swap
3. Grants
4. Entry Into Company
5. Entitlement Together
6. Granting Rights Tanggunan
7. Giving Broking Above Property
8. Granting Right to Use Above Property
Other Services:
1. Making Passport
2. Extension of Passport
3. Visa
4. Sale and Purchase of Property Services
5. Sell Services Buy Coal
6. Handling Mortgage Ships / Aircraft
7. Roya elimination of Debt
8. Conversion / Persertifikatan of Indigenous Lands
9. Application of the State Land Rights
10. Transfer of Rights of Auction
11. Licensing License, TDP, HO, IUI, Eptik, Brik
12. Registration Brands; Patent; Copyright

Contact Info:
H. NOOR grace of SH.
â € ¢ Printing State Road 8 No.18A Rawasari
â € ¢ Cempaka Putih, Jakarta Pusat 10570
â € ¢ Shop Grand Galaxy 29 Galaxy
â € ¢ South Bekasi, West Java
â € ¢ Sand Gombong 112 Industrial Road Rt.002 Rw.005
â € ¢ North Cikarang Bekasi
Tel: 021-4209079, 021-4240509
Fax. 021-42870144
Hp / WhatsUp: 082223727999 to 087784497999
Email: noorrohmat@ yahoo.co.id
Website: www.jasaperizinanusaha.net

Tags: Legal Foundation, Understanding Foundation, Establishment Foundation, Kelebiahan Foundation, the Law on Foundations, Law Foundation, Foundation Papers, Education Foundation, Foundation Work, Permits Foundation, Permits Foundation, Foundation, Foundation Incorporation, Incorporation Services Foundation, Foundation Establishment Fee, Cheap establishment of the Foundation, Foundation Incorporation Services Offers, Destination Incorporation Foundation, Foundation Establishment Act, Law on Establishment of the Foundation, the Foundation Establishment Products, Notary, notaries, Notary in Jakarta, Bekasi Notary, Notary Depok, Tangerang Notary, Notary Central Jakarta, West Jakarta Notary , South Jakarta Notary, Notary in North Jakarta, Central Jakarta Notary, Notary East Jakarta, Semarang Notary, Notary Services, Notary Services PPAT, Jakarta Notary Services, Notary Services Bekasi, Depok Notary Services, Notary Services Tangerang, Jakarta Notary Services, Notary Services West Jakarta, South Jakarta Notary Services, North Jakarta Notary Services, Notary Services Central Jakarta, East Jakarta Notary Services, Notary Services Semarang, PPAT, PPAT Jakarta, Central Jakarta PPAT, PPAT West Jakarta, South Jakarta PPAT, PPAT East Jakarta, Jakarta PPAT North, PPAT Bekasi, PPAT Bekasi City, PPAT Central Jakarta, Semarang PPAT, PPAT Services, Service PPAT Jakarta, Central Jakarta PPAT Services, Service PPAT West Jakarta, South Jakarta PPAT Services, Service PPAT East Jakarta, North Jakarta PPAT Services, Service PPAT Bekasi, PPAT Services Bekasi City, Bekasi PPAT Services Center, Semarang PPAT Services, Notary PPAT Jakarta, Central Jakarta PPAT Notary, Notary PPAT West Jakarta, South Jakarta PPAT Notary, Notary PPAT East Jakrta, Notary PPAT North Jakarta, Semarang PPAT Notary, Notary PPAT Depok, Bekasi PPAT Notary, Notary PPAT Tangerang, Bekasi City PPAT Notary, Notary PPAT Central Jakarta, Jakarta PPAT Notary Services, Notary Services PPAT Central Jakarta, West Jakarta PPAT Notary Services, Notary Services PPAT South Jakarta, East Jakrta PPAT Notary Services, Notary services PPAT North Jakarta, Semarang PPAT Notary Services, Notary Services PPAT Depok, Bekasi PPAT Notary Services, Notary Services PPAT Tangerang, Bekasi City PPAT Notary Services, Notary Services Center PPAT Bekasi, CV, CV C Services, Establishment CV, CV Cheap, Establishment Services CV, CV Establishment Permit, Permit Establishment CV, Notary Establishment CV, CV Establishment Offers, Company Commanditaire, Commanditaire Business Services, Company Incorporation Commanditaire, Commanditaire Company Permit, Permit Commanditaire Company, Cheap Commanditaire Company, Cost Commanditaire Company Incorporation, Company Establishment Cheap limited partnership, Notary Commanditaire Company Establishment, Commanditaire Company Papers, Sample Company Commanditaire, weakness Commanditaire Company, Company Law Board Commanditaire, Understanding Commanditaire Company, the Company Commanditaire As Law Firm, Law Commanditaire Company, the Company Commanditaire State, How to Establish Commanditaire Company, Commanditaire Company Terms, Conditions Commanditaire Company Establishment, PT, PT Services, Establishment PT, PT Cheap, Service Establishment PT, PT Establishment Permit, Permit Establishment PT, Notary Establishment PT, Establishment PT Cheap, Limited Liability Company, Limited Company Services, Incorporation Limited Liability Company , Limited Liability Company Permit, Permit Limited Liability Companies, Limited Liability Cheap, Cost Incorporation Limited Liability Company, Limited Liability Company Incorporation Cheap, Notary Incorporation Limited Liability Company, Limited Liability Company Papers, Sample Company Limited, Weaknesses Company Limited, a Limited Liability Company Law Board, Understanding Company Limited, Company Limited As Law Firm, Law Company Limited, a Limited Liability Company State, How to Establish a Limited Liability Company, Limited Liability Company Terms, the Terms of Incorporation Limited, Domicile Mind, Mind Domicile Mail, Mail Services Domicile Mind, Mind How Domicile Letter, Letter Urus Cost Domicile , Terms Mind Letter of Domicile, Corporate Domicile Letter Mind, Mind Domicile Letter PT, Urus Domicile Letter CV, Letter of Domicile UD Mind, Mind Foundation Domicile Letter, Letter of Domicile Cooperative Mind, Mind Firm Domicile Letter, Mind Personal Domicile Letter, Letter of Domicile Individual Mind , Notary Domicile Letter Mind, Mind Notary Services Domicile Letter, Letter of Domicile Jakarta Mind, Mind Letter of Domicile Jakarta, West Jakarta Domicile Letter Mind, Mind Letter Domicile South Jakarta, North Domicile Letter Mind, Mind Letter Domicile East Jakarta, Jakarta Mind Domicile Letter North, Urus Domicile Letter Bekasi, Bekasi City Domicile Letter Mind, Mind Mail Center Domicile Bekasi, Depok Domicile Letter Mind, Mind Domicile Letter Tangerang, Urus Domicile Certificate, Certificate of Move Domicile Mind, Mind Domicile Certificate, Domicile Certificate Services Urus Permit Mind Domicile Certificate, Permit Mind Domicile Certificate, Domicile Certificate Notary Mind, Mind Domicile PT, Urus CV Domicile Certificate, Domicile Certificate UD Mind, Mind Foundation Domicile Certificate, Domicile Certificate Cooperative Mind, Mind Domicile Firm, TIN, Definition TIN, Terms TIN, How TIN, Cost TIN, TIN example, Form TIN, TIN Help, How To Make TIN, TIN Functionality, Usability TIN, Personal TIN, TIN Company, TIN Legal, Tax ID PT, TIN CV, TIN UD, TIN Firm, TIN Foundation, Cooperative TIN, TIN Mind, Mind Services TIN, TIN Mind Permit, Permit TIN Mind, Mind Bureau TIN, TIN Mind Method, Cost Urus TIN, TIN Terms Mind, Mind TIN PT, Urus TIN CV, UD TIN Mind, Mind TIN Firm, TIN Mind Foundation, Mind TIN Cooperative, TIN Lost Mind, Mind TIN can be represented, Tangerang TIN Mind, Mind TIN Depok, Bekasi TIN Mind, Mind TIN Jakarta, Urus TIN Central Jakarta, West Jakarta TIN Mind, Mind TIN South Jakarta, East Jakrta TIN Mind, Mind TIN North Jakarta, UD, UD Services, Establishment UD, UD Offers, Service Establishment UD, UD Establishment Permit, Permit Establishment UD, UD Notary establishment, Cheap UD establishment, Trading Business, Business Services Trade, Business Incorporation of Commerce, Trade Business License, Business License of Commerce, Trade Business Offers, Trade Costs Business Incorporation, Business Incorporation Trade Offers, Notary Business Incorporation of Commerce, Trade Business Papers, Sample Trade Enterprises, Business weaknesses Trade, Trade Agency Business Law, Business Understanding Trade, Trade Enterprises As Legal, Business Law Trade, State Trading Enterprises, How to Establish Trade Enterprise, Trade Business Terms, Terms of Trade Business Incorporation, PD, PD Services, Establishment PD , Cheap PD, PD Incorporation Services, Establishment Permit PD, PD Establishment Permit, Notary Establishment PD, PD Establishment Offers, Trading Company, Business Services Trade, Trading Company Establishment, Permit Trading Company, Licensed Trade Company, Cheap Trading Company, Company Incorporation Fees Trade, Trading Company Establishment Offers, Notary Establishment Trading Company, Trading Company Papers, Sample Trading Company, weakness Trading Company, Company Law Board of Trade, Understanding Trading Company, Trading Company As a legal entity, Trading Company Act, the State Trading Company, Ways Establishing Trading Company, Trading Company Terms, Conditions Trading Company Incorporation
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