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Mr. Kang Taka

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Bandung, Jawa Barat

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Registration Date: Jun. 25, 2024 - Last Updated: May. 19, 2015
Business Nature : Trade, Service of Construction & Real Estate category

Company Brief

JANTAKA PERKASAJantaka Perkasa, where the company is beginning since 2004 for 10 years we consistently involved in the world of Advertising outdor and indor
Our professionals have been shown by many of our clients and partners both private companies such as Bank BJB, Bank BNI, Amanda brownies and many more, work on good governance instasi procurement and construction work such as office renovations Telkom Se-region of West Java, Building ULP West Java Province, Building Renovation sports Saparua London, Great Mosque Renovation square Alun Bandung and many more

As the development of the architecture also increases staff experience, we make company who take shelter in Bandung Alucopan legality agency, namely CV Jantaka Perkasa was founded in 2013, which is engaged in the construction includes the installation of ACP, Glass aluminum, mild steel roof, Genting zinc alum.

MISSION CV. Jantaka Perkasa
As a construction services company in West Java we determined to be the best and biggest in the industry of Indonesia, the capacity of our projects both exterior and interior with the use of materials alunium compsite panel will continue to grow and perfected varies with different types of materials and other ancillary products.

Not only the end result was charity, but the results were satisfactory quality also suitable design before the project work and budget dimuali bugdet which have been agreed, for that we always make planning and engineering design revisions so that the project can be completed successfully conformed expetasi premises in order to satisfy costumer.

Serving mounting aluminum Composite Panel / ACP for Individual, Corporate / Private Agencies / State of West Java Province / Depok, Cibinong, Garut, Kudat, Indramayu, Karawang, Sukabumi, Sumedang, Subang, Tasikmalaya, Tangerang, Serang, Cilegon, Banten, Lebak, Pandeglang, Cianjur, Cirebon, Kuningan, Majalengka, Pangandaran, Purwakarta, Subang, Bandung, Banjar, Bekasi, Bogor, Cimahi, Banjarnegara, Banyumas, rods, Blora, boyolali, brebes, Demak, jepara, coral, Kebumen, solo, Surakarta, Tarakan, holy, starch, jogja, Yogyakarta, Sleman, Cilacap, pamalang, Purbalingga, purwerejo, twilight, sragen, Sukoharjo, Waterford, wonogiri, pekalongan, Salatiga, Tegal, Semarang, Wonosobo, Magelang, Sleman, Klaten, Bantul, Surakarta, surabaya etc.
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