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Keluarga Air Ion Perak Jogjakarta
Keluarga Air Ion Perak Jogjakarta
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    Rp 30.000
    Quantity Order:
    Payment Method:
    Telegraphic Transfer (T/T), Cashier Order, Bank Cheque, L/C
    Pack. & Delivery:
    BOTOL 1000 ml

    Specification :

    Benefits for exceptional health, has been proven ...

    Please contact us at

    0815 6666 050
    0813 279 3636 7

    email jhardoyo@ gmail.com
    jhardoyo skype

    Kefir is a formula CLEAR HERBAL NUTRITION Biological made from fermented coconut water ( coconut milk) and milk by combining the latest technology mikrobakteri useful for health. This product contains Lactobacillus ( 6, 5 x 1011 cfu / ml) , which both used for the prevention and treatment of various diseases.


    Help clean the digestive tract function
    Improve liver function and prevent heart disease
    Lowering cholesterol
    Prevent constipation & diarrhea.
    Prevent infection from bacteria.
    Increase body resistance to disease.
    Encourage the digestive function of nutrition and vitamins.
    Improving metabolism.
    Overcoming disease: Cholesterol, Diabetes, Maag, High Blood, Low Blood, Uric Acid, Migraines, Allergies, Whitish, Weak Heart, Kidneys Etc.


    Drink regularly every night before bed with an appropriate dose
    For pain high blood pressure, low blood and ulcer healing in the table the absolute dose should be added 1 teaspoon of honey / sugar and white ( while drinking the day of unity until the third day and the next without honey / sugar does not matter)
    To recover additional energy is also one sendoh tea with honey, stir until evenly distributed and is ready to serve.
    After drinking kefir CLEAR should drink lots of water to remove the disease through urine.
    CHAPTER normalize ( Toilet)
    Therapy drinking kefir regularly CLEAR 2 months, after which it can not drink. Drink again if deemed necessary / appropriate.
    After drinking kefir CLEAR sure that you do not eat or drink something that contains high preservatives.

    For Treatment
    Adults: 3 tablespoons 3 times a day
    Children: 1 tablespoon 3 x daily

    For Prevention
    Adults: 2 tablespoons 1 x daily
    children: 1 tablespoon 1 x daily

    To treat external wounds applied directly on the wound site pain

    To get rid of dandruff, lice and reduce the growth of gray hair: Kefir CLEAR 1 is sprayed evenly to the scalp and left 1 / 2 hours after it is rinsed or dikramas, do regularly, at least 3 days.

    For toothache and canker sores: directly used for gargling.

    CAUTION! !
    PATIENTS SPECIAL HIGH BLOOD, BLOOD AND LOW ulcer DRINKING THE FIRST TIME OR SUGAR HONEY should be added so that the healing process run more perfect
    If not add sugar or honey while drinking the first time until the third day of impact are:

    Heartburn, stomach after drinking kefir CLEAR going to hurt because the sour taste of vinegar derived from natural ingredients in charge of doing the repair process of healing disease quickly, but the psychological impact of pain, so heal faster but a bit sore.
    Low blood ill, after drinking kefir CLEAR 1 will be weak or sleepy because of low blood pressure normalized to the ascending graph, the supply of energy in the body decreases.
    High blood ill, after drinking kefir CLEAR without the use of honey / sugar will become dizzy and giddy reaction, because when the blood pressure normalized to the graph decreases while pasolan energy in the body decreases.

    CLEAR kefir Spray on dirt, urine, or stuff smells the odor instantly vanished. PROVE

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