Mustika Gondo Roso[Mar. 11, 2015 9:27:04]
These gems have a very sensitive sense as the name of the Mustika Gondo Gondo Roso Roso gems to conquering the hearts of the opposite sex, no problem in using women and men no side effects or the other because it' s real gems are in the pull of natural and energy neutralizing negative, such as the name of the common functions of insyaalloh serves as : :
 > Common Pengasihan
 > Pellets
 > Health
 > Teaser
 > Authority
 > Etc.
 Dowry just to replace operational costs and do not see her dowry, take a look at the benefits and results that you will get the greatness of Almighty GOD who will be present in your body
 Heirloom / rock gems is only an intermediary medium alone, all remained GOD Almighty everything, use it for good, sincere intentions, InsyaAlloh done. Not to be worshiped and adored-puja. All Religion, Race, Ethnic, Cultural, Country, Age are allowed, because the intention of God, because God granted .. not because these gems, heirlooms / rock is just wasilah / intermediaries who paved the way for those of you who have made GOD, do not be mistaken interpretation Wasilah and benefits .... Purity is Ats SWT.Tuhan Permit And Powerful Almighty GOD, not our creation.
 maav please do not publish all of our products / heirloom / Stone gems that we draw from nature, because to photograph a powerful magical objects that must approve khodam terrible in it, not a few who do not agree to be allowed to photograph the magical objects, so please if you want to see other magical objects which can directly contact us.
 Explanation of product / scientific and the other, that we offer in the web / advertising is only modest or as a condition, for further explanation and periodic please do not hesitate to ask to Bp. ( Rizky) 081 806 709 422 and assistant ( via) 081 806 700 819, Please maav because we can not mention all of the functions or explanation, because all of nature and the only privacy we provide to pemahar who understand and do not abuse seriously aliases and functions wasilah masing2 syareat of religion, remember! ! ! not to try and fool around, thank you