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Name:Mr. mrlon
E-mail:Send Message
Mobile Number:Mobile number of Mr. mrlon at Cakung-Jakarta Timur
Phone Number:Phone number of Mr. mrlon at Cakung-Jakarta Timur
Address:Cakung-Jakarta Timur, Jakarta
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Registration Date:Jun. 25, 2024
Last Updated:Jan. 26, 2015
Business Nature:Manufacturing, Trade, Service of Industrial Supplies category

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Getting Boiler from Indosuperboilers, you do not need to spend any money of dollars from their own pockets. We are financed, the production of 3-month, post 1 month, and the experiment is operated 4 months or more to prove in front of you about saving and technology and witnessed by Sucofindo.

In addition to not spending money at all, you will get the money savings of 10% , 20% , 30% of the total savings, and the rest will be used financing These boilers after proven.

Indo super Boilers made of high quality stainless steel material imported from Sweden with high quality.

Indo Super Boilers are insulated with high quality heat resistant material, to prevent heat loss ( heat loss) .

All components are mounted on the Indo Super Boilers imported from Germany, France, Britain and Japan with a very high quality, wear-resistant decades.

Indo Super Boilers equipped with Stainless Steel Burners Nozzel super-sophisticated, able to withstand wear over 30 years without replacement, lifetime, and has been patented in Indonesia and around the world.

Indo Super Boilers do not use a blower burners are often damaged and must be replaced for years, giving rise to high costs.

Indo Super Boilers operated with full automatic ( full auto) that have been programmed so that it can be connected to a laptop or mobile without guard in front of the boilers.

If there Indo Super Boilers, there should be no longer standby boiler in your factory. Because most of the components are installed in an existing Indo Super Boilers dibadannya spare parts to maintain the interruption of operations.

Indo Super Boilers must receive the water quality of your water treatment unit.

If there is a problem with your water treatment unit, we have to plug new tools to ensure water as needed Indo Super Boilers, in accordance with all specifications required water.

If you currently use fuel Boilers diesel, LPG or residue, we will provide CNG Gas to be installed at your place, side by side with the Indo Super Boilers. Even then, financed by us.

Indo Super Boilers very modern, inovative, highly efficient, high-tech and very low maintenance. One in ten ( 1: 10) with other Boiler.
Indo Supers Boilers can produce steam in 5 minutes which is not owned by another boiler, and can supply hot water and steam at the same time, which is not owned boilers as well.

Indo Super Boilers produce steam and hot water very clean rust free.

Getting Indo Super Boilers do not need to spend their own money, there is no risk whatsoever that will charge, and guaranteed continuity for 365 days non-stop.

After 48 months of Indo Super Boilers formally and legally, it becomes yours, and in the boiler can be entered into your company' s assets, and the balance sheet shows the addition of a very large asset value, profitable.

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