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Name:Mr. Sumarwan S.Pd.I
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Registration Date:Jun. 25, 2024
Last Updated:Oct. 7, 2012
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Trees Investment Jabon I-GIST in PT.GMN

I-GIST stands for: International Green Investment System, which is a unique investment. Where we will invest some funds for efforts to preserve the environment, while empowering the community, and you' ll even get lucky once you run this program I-GIST.



Statement on menggiurkannya jabon tree is also strengthened by the statement of the Minister of Forestry Zulkifli Hasan detikFinance page titled Picking Money from Investing Tree ' Jabon' listed on Monday, 21/ 02/ 2011 10: 32 PM. Following this statement: ( ... fame jabon tree as a tree of high economic value, have also been recognized by the Minister of Forestry Zulkifli Hasan. Zulkifli rate, the selling price of high-value timber jabon making it suitable for community investment. " One cubic jabon tree now costs Rp 1.6 million, if the price of a few years, pasth more expensive, " said Zulkifli last weekend ...)

In fact, the price of seeds ready for planting jabon was no more than Rp 10, 000, - per stem. From each seed purchase for less than Rp 10, 000, - you can get yields Rp 1.000.000, - to Rp 1, 600, 000, - per tree. Indeed, I-GIST was incredible.

Why invest Jabon? What are the benefits of trees Jabon?
1. Tree planting timber plants Jabon is the fastest growing in the world, with an average growth diameter of 10 cm per year and can reach heights up to 25 m, can be harvested at the age of 5 ( five) years with a volume of 0.9 m3 + wood / tree and + if sold could reach Rp. 1.000.000, - / tree.

Hardwood Plant 2.Jabon is a fast growing, which includes family Rubiaceae plants grew well at altitude 0-1000 meters above sea level, on clay soils, podzolic brown and moist alluvial commonly found along river beraerasi good.

3. Jabon is a kind of tree of light ( light-demander) is fast growing. At the age of 3 years to reach 9 m with a diameter of 11 cm. Pad ` aged 5-6 years could stem circumference 40 to 50 cm, diameter growth of between 5-10 cm / year. In nature, trees Jabon been found reaching a height of 45 m with a diameter of 100 cm.

4. Canopy shape like an umbrella with a circular branching system. The leaves are not dense. Trunk straight cylindrical and not * buttressed with a very good level of alignment. The trunk free of branches up to 60% , the branches will fall off themselves ( self purning) , wood is a creamy white color ( bright yellow) to reddish brown tint. The wood is easily drained, easily nailed and glued, low susutnya.

5. Ready to harvest in 4 years or 5 years

6. The leaves are not like cattle, so no need to worry about theft leaves.

7. Jabon leaves will fall off themselves, it would make the average timber jabon straight up no lumps.

8. The plants are not seized with rust tumor.

9. Wood jabon also more useful than sengon, more absorbed by many industries such as plywood, industrial furniture, plywood, pulp, board, fruit crate manufacturers, Alar shoes, children' s toys and lighters.

10. Maintenance easier.

11. Can grow in different types of soil such as clay, clay or rocky soil.

12. Planting timber plants have the advantage to grow in various locations and has a strong resistance to pests and diseases.

13. Planting timber plants are safe because they do not invest in demand by timber thieves because it is not used for construction materials can only be used for industrial raw materials that can be controlled pdrdaganfannya.

14. Can be integrated with plant maintenance program intercropping while empowering the farmers.

Why Choose Wood Investments

Increasingly soaring world demand for wood from year to year, while the condition of forests in Indonesia the crisis. Based on the data, Indonesia every year at least need 72-million cubic meters of timber ready though, and it was only met about 50-million cubic feet of it, and even then most of their natural forest logging Idonesia. While lately the government has strictly prohibits logging of natural forests for wood industry in Indonesia. This means that timber investment in Indonesia is very very big chance.

Excess Investment Jabon Along I-GIST of PT.GMN

1. No need to prepare the ground for the activities will be carried out by PT.GMN operasinnal ( Investors are waiting for the harvest)

2. Legality company, in this case PT.GMN supported by local governments and the central government.

3. Jabon official certificate of ownership, the signature on the notary seal and stamp, so it could certainly be legally defensible.

4. PT.GMN provides more than 100% of the reserves of the tree of the number of trees planted investors where the trees will be used as a replacement tree if the tree jabon troubled investors.

5. Any specific areas CCTV cameras will be installed ( system Eye-Grow) , which will monitor plant growth from investors every 5 second. So investors can monitor the growth of the plant is online, even diliat by the whole world.

6. Investment system and the agreement of both parties are transparent, resulting in a mutually beneficial cooperation.

7. Plants are insured and backed investment consultancy of experienced quality control in the field of forestry investments so that investment growth target can be achieved.

8. Supplied trading portal, so that investors can sell jabonya tree before harvest. ( Prices adjusted to the price of the tree' s age jabon jabon tree when it is sold) .

9. You do not need to think LAND, LAND been prepared for by PT.GMN

10. You do not have to worry about who is buying, because PT.GMN an investor will buy a tree when it' s time to harvest according to the price at the time.

11. Payments harvest proceeds through bank accounts, if NOT HAVE A bank account was NOT MATTER. Because the bank account that is used for administration of royalties or commissions or cash crops in order to more quickly and easily up to the investor to the account.

12. The presence of land in different regions, meant to anticipate if something unexpected happens to the trees investor in one field, but the trees denfan jabon in various other land that could replace damaged trees by using backup trees from elsewhere and also to minimize the loss of trees that investors can still grow well. For now PT.GMN land in South Cianjur: 15.5 HA ( sold out) , Sumedang: 100 HA ( planting progress) , Bali: 25 HA ( MOU Pre-Implementation) , West Sumbawa: 30 HA ( MOU Pre-Implementation) , Sumbawa Besar: 30 HA ( legal progress) and there are still additional land again in Garut.

13. If at the time of harvest, all trees killed or damaged because of an accident or fire jabon spent the entire plant to be harvested, then PT.GMN will replace the tree with MONEY. All set on the certificate. So you do not have to worry about jabon tree, you just wait and the money is working for you.


         Tung K. Trainer Motivator Desem no.1 Indonesia

         Mr. Cianjur commander. Andi Prime

            Head of the Bali Provincial Forest Ir. I GN Wiranatha, joined MM I-GIST program of the PT. GMN

         Cirebon police chief, Mr. Hero Hendrianto has joined I-GIST program of the PT. GLOBAL MEDIA NUSANTARA

         Follow Cirebon Chaldean AND I-GIST Program



         Ade Rai Take I-GIST program of PT.GMN

         Vice Regent Mr. Sigli-Aceh. Nazir Adam, SE

         Regent Attack, Taufik Bpk.Drs.H.Ahmad Nuriman, MM.MBA joined Package I-GIST


PT. GMN ( GLOBAL MEDIA NUSANTARA) , based in Bandung, West Java program launched I-GIST. A program that answers and will reduce the impact of Global Warming.

1. Founded in 2005 with the Telecommunications Technology-based businesses and investments.
2. Powered by its own infrastructure with the latest technology.
3. It has a branch office and service in many cities and districts in Indonesia.
Getting the certification service of international standard ISO 9001: 2008 CERTIFICATION watershed-based in the United Kingdom.
MURI record-breaking 100 websites for making the fastest ( less than 30 minutes) and was done by high school kids ( lay on the technology) .
Having a Direct Sales business license from the Government.
Certified EMR Shield of Korea Far Infrared Association and the California Institute of Electronics and Materials Science * .
Property Marketing fastest working with PT.WAHANA up.

Interestingly, gains follow I-GIST program are to:
â € ¢ favorable investment
â € ¢ Saving the environment
â € ¢ Community Empowerment
â € ¢ Plan and the National

1. Programs that can contribute to saving critical land in Indonesia Potential development land is still wide open, with a look at the potential of critical land in Indonesia is a very large
2. The products marketed are orders and the advice of the Lord Almighty, so that market these products are bernhlai religious propaganda

Some verses that show this command:
Diriwayatjan of Anas bin Lalik ra. : Prophet Muhammad once said, " will be seen as doing charity, a Muslim who sowed the seeds and planting trees, then the benefit is taken by humans, birds, or other animals. " [ HR. Al-Bukhari in the Book of AL-Muzaro' ah)
There is no Muslim who plants a tree or plant, then the birds eat or human or animal, but he will get alms from it. " [ HR. Al-Bukhari in the Book of AL-Muzaro' ah ( 2320) , and Muslim in Kitab Al-Musaqoh ( 3950)
And let fear Allah if people leave behind them ..... children who are weak, they are worried about the ( welfare) they QS. An-Nisa ( 4) : 9
Prophet Muhammad said:
" If you tinggalk` n rich heir, it was better ..... of you, leave them in a poor state and will be a burden to others. " HR Bukhari, Chapter Jana-iz, no. 1296 and Muslim, in Chapter Testament, no. 1628

There is a small package for investment jabon tree, namely:


Rp 499.000, - or USD 1.497 million, - ` tau Rp 3, 493, 000, -

Rp 499.000, -
You get 2 jabon tree with certificates online investment holdings jabon tree, 1 DVD and package your I-GIST. Trees jabon current prices range from Rp 1, 000, 000 to Rp 1, 600, 000-, - each tree. If you have 2 trees jabon mean when harvest time for Rp 1, 500, 000, - then you can get a total gain of Rp 3.000.000, - from the tree at harvest ( tree jabon enough of it) . The more you buy the tree jabon means the big money will actually pursue you without you having to work. PT.GMN already prepared everything so that the trees can be harvested jabon and investors more comfortable and calm in investing. Of breeding, care, fertilization, land lease to harvest trees jabon is set and administered by PT.GMN. So you can stay THANK NET.

Rp 1, 497, 000, -
You earn 6 trees jabon with online investment ownership certificate jabon tree, 3 DVD and package your I-GIST. Trees jabon current prices range from Rp 1, 000, 000 to Rp 1, 600, 000-, - each tree. If you have 6 trees jabon mean when harvest time for Rp 1, 500, 000, - then you can get a total gain of Rp 9, 000, 000, - from the tree at harvest ( tree jabon enough of it) . The more you buy the tree jabon means the big money will actually pursue you without you having to work. PT.GMN already prepared everything so that the trees can be harvested jabon and investors more comfortable and calm in investing. Of breeding, care, fertilization, land lease to harvest trees jabon is set and administered by PT.GMN. So you can stay THANK NET.

Rp 3, 493, 000, -
You have 14 trees jabon with online investment ownership certificate jabon tree, 7 DVD and package your I-GIST. Trees jabon current prices range from Rp 1, 000, 000 to Rp 1, 600, 000-, - each tree. If you have 14 trees jabon mean when harvest time for Rp 1, 500, 000, - then you can get a total gain of Rp 21, 000, 000, - from the tree at harvest ( tree jabon enough of it) . The more you buy the tree jabon means the big money will actually pursue you without you having to work. PT.GMN already prepared everything so that the trees can be harvested jabon and investors more comfortable and calm in investing. Of breeding, care, fertilization, land lease to harvest trees jabon is set and administered by PT.GMN. So you can stay THANK NET.

Here ( PT.GMN) you really can not wait you chase money you MUST WORK WITHOUT painstakingly

I-GIST INVESTMENT IS ENOUGH ONCE ( 1X) FOR YOUR LIFE AND YOU CAN pass on from generation to generation

If the tree dies, it will be replaced by trees prepared PT.GMN because reserves of up to 100% so that investors do not need to worry and if the tree is exposed to fire or discharged jabon undesirable because it will replace it with a MONEY PT.GMN to you ( all have set to the TREE OF OWNERSHIP CERTIFICATE JABON) .


If you can refer business investments anti losses ( I-GIST) to others, every person who invests Rp 499.000, - you earn Rp 100, 000, - from PT.GMN.

If you can refer business investments anti losses ( I-GIST) to others, every person who invests Rp 1, 497, 000, - you earn Rp 300, 000, - from PT.GMN.

If you can refer business investments anti losses ( I-GIST) to others, every person who invests Rp 3, 493, 000, - you earn Rp 700, 000, - from PT.GMN.


There is also a great package for investment jabon trees, namely:
Ambassador Silver Package - Investment Rp.10.249.000, -
67 Green Tree Jabon with Rp.67.000.000 earning potential, - in 5 years
( Got ROI of 1% per month for 6 months)

Ambassador Gold Package - Investment Rp.30.749.000, -
201 Green Tree Jabon with Rp.201.000.000 earning potential, -
( Got a 3 x 1% ROI per month for 6 months)

Ambassador Platinum Package - Investment Rp.71.749.000, -
469 Green Tree Rp.469.000.000 Jabon with earning potential, -
( Got a 3% ROI per month for 1 year + 7 x 1% per month for 6 months)

Note In Major Investment Package: Predictions Nett Selling Price ( 1 million) over a low estimated price of each tree. The price will be adjusted to the price of harvest time ( not now) . Though selling price per tree is now up to Rp 1, 600, 000, - per tree.

If you want to know any information about the anti-loss business is you can contact Mr. Sumarwan ( + 6285364680545)
May be useful ...! !

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