Registration Date: May. 24, 2023 - Last Updated: Dec. 28, 2010
Business Nature : Trade, Service of Gifts & Crafts category
Company Brief
HWDW Craft located in Yogyakarta, JAVA, INDONESIA. We provide souvenirs, candles, and several exclusive designs of pottery covered with eggshells. In addition to all the products that you can see on this site, we also accept orders costums pottery designs covered by the egg shell.
Major Products / Services
Seller :
- aneka souvenir
aneka macam souvenir dapat anda pesan dengan harga murah tapi kualitas mewah...
- kerajinan kulit telur
Bermacam-macam produk kulit telur dapat anda pesan. Kami menerima pesanan segala bentuk keramik yang sekiranya bisa ditempeli dengan kulit telur. Kami akan memberikan yang terbaik untuk anda.