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CV.Hutabayu Dua Teknik
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CV.Hutabayu Two Techniques
Two CV.Hutabayu Engineering is a provider and seller central agricultural tools, farm equipment, farm equipment, industrial equipment, mining equipment, marine equipment, fishing equipment, and other industrial machines.
CV.Hutabayu Two Techniques located in Bogor, Taman Yasmin and has several offices in Indonesia.
Hutabayu Two techniques have many sale and supply of a wide range of agricultural machinery, agricultural equipment, and has partners throughout Indonesia.
Here are some of the products we sell:
Tools and Rice Processing Machinery
Tools and Cassava Processing Machinery
Tools and Oil Processing Machinery
Tool and Machinery Corn
Tool and Machinery Coffee
Tool and Machinery Cocoa / Brown
Tool and Machinery Cloves
Tool and Machinery Essential Oils
Tools and Peanut Processing Machinery
Tool and Machinery Sago
Tool-Machine Melinjo
Tool-Machine Cashew Nuts
Tool-Machine Cocoa - Chocolate
Tool-Machine Peanut-Land
Tool-Machine Chilli
Tool-Machine Pecan
Tool-Machine Tea
Tool-Machine Patchouli Leaves
Coffee Machine Tools
Soybean Machine Tools
Tool-Machine Orange
Tool-Machine Sago
Tool-Machine Oil
Tool-Machine Apples
Tool-Machine Distance
Tool-Machine Rice
Palm Oil Machine Tools
Tool-Machine Cassava
Tool-Machine Potato
Tool-Machine Onions
Tool-Machine Corn
Tool-Machine Rubber
Tool - Machine Tubers
Tool-Machine Cloves
Tool-Machine Pala
Tool-Machine Tobacco
Tool-Machine Cane
Wood Machine Tools
Tool-Machine Bamboo
Fruits Fruit Machine Tools
Tool-Machine Vegetable & Drugs
engine Penepung
fryer machine
Mixer machine
Briquette Machine Tools
Herbal Medicine Maker
Brick Brick Tile Tool
Frying Facum Tool
Door Frame Tool
Bioethanol machine
Biodiesel engines
Fish cages
Rubber Processing Tool
Meatball Processing Machinery
engine Chips
engine Crackers
Machines Sugar Ants
Sauce Maker
Noodle Maker
Fish Processing Machinery
Cotton candy machine
Sausage machine
Bread machine
Ice cream machine
Pengiling Meat
Tool-Machine Compost
Organic fertilizer
Vehicle Transporters Trash
Tool Green House
Seeding tool
Tissue Culture
Soil Processing Tool
Drip irrigation
Knowing Humidity and Temperature for Room
Penakar Rain ( Plastic)
Evaporation pan
evaporation Pan
Hook Gauge
Still Well
Floating Digital Thermometer
Double Ring - Infiltration, Water Seep into the ground
Permeameter - Infiltration
Soil Sampler Tube
Drill Soil Sample ( Sampling Kit)
Drill Soil - Soil Auger
Drill Land - a depth of 10 meters
Peat Soil Drill
ContainTester Soil, Soil Testing
Soil pH Tester
Soil pH, Moisture, Lux & Temp ( Digital Soil pH)
Soil Moisture Meter
Soil Salinity Tester, Test Equipment Soil salinity
Soil Sieve Test ( Shaker Sieve Machine 1 Unit 5 and Unit)
Stainless Steel Sieve
Soil Sample Divider Tool
( Measuring Moisture Grain)
Grain Moisture Meter, over 40 kinds of grain
4 Grain Moisture Meter
36 Grain Moisture Meter
Grain Hardness-sclerometer
Analysis Tool Oil, Protein, Water, Grain Alcohol on, the palm kernel
Grain Moisture Meter
Moisture Meter scope form
Tool Makers Seed Sample
Seed Grain Inspection Tool
Grain-Seed Counters Tool
Vacuum Seed Counting And Planting
Cleansing Grains lab scale
Sample Dividers machine ( use Electric Motors)
Sample Dividers Manual Seed / Grain Divider
sample Splitter
Miller Electric
( Grain Milling Machine)
Laboratory of Rice Mill
( Machine so Rice Milled Rice for Lab.)
Lab. Rice Polishing Machine
( Machine so Rice Milled Rice for Lab.)
Crush Laboratory Mill
( Engine Penepung)
Electric germinator
Electric germinator With Climate Incubator
Non Electric Eco germinator
( Box Germination)
Seed maturing / Ageing Cabinet
( Wardrobe Ripening Seed)
Seed storage cabinets
Biological Microscope
stereo Microscope
digital Microscope
Oscillation, Water Bath
Portable pH / Temperature Meter KMWM102
Dissolved Oxygen Meter KMMW600
Dissolved Oxygen Meter KMMW600
Portable pH / Conductivity / TDS Combination Meter KMMW801
Turbidity Meters KMMi415
Pocket PH Meter and Temperature Meter
emposan Rat
Mouse Trap
Tool Dividers Land
Soil Moisture and Temperature Meters
Carbon Dioxide Recorders
Soil Solution Sampler
( Tool Makers Soil Sample Solution)
Thickness Measurement Leaves, Leaf Thickness Gauge
Measuring Leaf Area, Leaf Area Meter
Leaf Area Meter
Measuring Land Area, Area Meter
Plan growt Radiation Meter, photosynthetic Photon Flux ( PPF)
Tool Measuring Chlorophyll, Chlorophyll Meter
Tool Measuring Chlorophyll, Chlorophyll Meter
Measuring the Concentration Index Chloropyll tool ( CCI)
Gas Measuring Tool CH4 / CO2 / H2O
Portable Photosynthesis and Fluorescence System, Education
Tool Measuring Leaf Area, Destructive
Portable Tool Measuring Leaf Area, Non-destructive
Plant Canopy Analyzer
Fruit Hardness Test, Hardness
Digital Sugar Refractometer
( Measuring Tool Sugar Levels in Fluids)
Sugar Refractometer
K, Na Flame Photometer
( Tool to measure levels of K, Na on Soil, Fertilizer, Cement, etc.)
Contain Soil Tester
( To test the N, P, K, pH, Salinity)
Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer
Main Instrument Unit
UV-VIS Spectrophotometer KM752G
UV-VIS Spectrophotometer KM757
Gas Chromatograph, FID with 2 units with machine
Soxhlet Extraction for Fat Analyzer
( For analysis of Fat)
Aflatoxin Test Tool
Aflatoxin test kits for grain, food, animal food, fruit, meet, fish etc.
autocontrol Distiller
Nitrogen on Grain Tester, food, beverages etc.
( or Protein Tester)
Contain Oil Seed Test
Cellulose Fiber and extraction tools for analysis
Nitogen Phosphorous and Calcium Analyzer
Heating and Drying Ovens
Drying Oven: 105.8 Liter
Water Bath - Electric
Constant Temperature Oscillator
Portable Sterilizer
Hours Amylase Determination / Identification sprouting damage ( growth) grains ( grain)
Gauge Gluten in Wheat Flour ( Wheat Flour)
Equipment: Gluten Index Centrifuge Tester
Hammer Mill for Quality Grain ( Grain)
Volume Measurement Weight ( grams / liter) - Hectoliter
salinity Meter
Measuring the level of salt in the water
Lux Meter
Measuring Light Intensity level
Precision Thermohygrometer
Knowing Humidity and Temperature for Room
Digital hygrometer
Knowing Humidity and Temperature for Room
sling Hygrometer
Knowing Humidity and Temperature for Room
Noise Measurement
Infrared Thermometer
Dry Soil Test Equipment
PUTS / paddy soil test
Compass and Altimeter
caliper Tree
Drill Tree Trunk
Measurement Chili spiciness ( SHU)
GPS Garmin 76s
You may click the "Company Info" and "Contact Us" to browse and see other informations of CV.Hutabayu Dua Teknik's website.
Two CV.Hutabayu Engineering is a provider and seller central agricultural tools, farm equipment, farm equipment, industrial equipment, mining equipment, marine equipment, fishing equipment, and other industrial machines.
CV.Hutabayu Two Techniques located in Bogor, Taman Yasmin and has several offices in Indonesia.
Hutabayu Two techniques have many sale and supply of a wide range of agricultural machinery, agricultural equipment, and has partners throughout Indonesia.
Here are some of the products we sell:
Tools and Rice Processing Machinery
Tools and Cassava Processing Machinery
Tools and Oil Processing Machinery
Tool and Machinery Corn
Tool and Machinery Coffee
Tool and Machinery Cocoa / Brown
Tool and Machinery Cloves
Tool and Machinery Essential Oils
Tools and Peanut Processing Machinery
Tool and Machinery Sago
Tool-Machine Melinjo
Tool-Machine Cashew Nuts
Tool-Machine Cocoa - Chocolate
Tool-Machine Peanut-Land
Tool-Machine Chilli
Tool-Machine Pecan
Tool-Machine Tea
Tool-Machine Patchouli Leaves
Coffee Machine Tools
Soybean Machine Tools
Tool-Machine Orange
Tool-Machine Sago
Tool-Machine Oil
Tool-Machine Apples
Tool-Machine Distance
Tool-Machine Rice
Palm Oil Machine Tools
Tool-Machine Cassava
Tool-Machine Potato
Tool-Machine Onions
Tool-Machine Corn
Tool-Machine Rubber
Tool - Machine Tubers
Tool-Machine Cloves
Tool-Machine Pala
Tool-Machine Tobacco
Tool-Machine Cane
Wood Machine Tools
Tool-Machine Bamboo
Fruits Fruit Machine Tools
Tool-Machine Vegetable & Drugs
engine Penepung
fryer machine
Mixer machine
Briquette Machine Tools
Herbal Medicine Maker
Brick Brick Tile Tool
Frying Facum Tool
Door Frame Tool
Bioethanol machine
Biodiesel engines
Fish cages
Rubber Processing Tool
Meatball Processing Machinery
engine Chips
engine Crackers
Machines Sugar Ants
Sauce Maker
Noodle Maker
Fish Processing Machinery
Cotton candy machine
Sausage machine
Bread machine
Ice cream machine
Pengiling Meat
Tool-Machine Compost
Organic fertilizer
Vehicle Transporters Trash
Tool Green House
Seeding tool
Tissue Culture
Soil Processing Tool
Drip irrigation
Knowing Humidity and Temperature for Room
Penakar Rain ( Plastic)
Evaporation pan
evaporation Pan
Hook Gauge
Still Well
Floating Digital Thermometer
Double Ring - Infiltration, Water Seep into the ground
Permeameter - Infiltration
Soil Sampler Tube
Drill Soil Sample ( Sampling Kit)
Drill Soil - Soil Auger
Drill Land - a depth of 10 meters
Peat Soil Drill
ContainTester Soil, Soil Testing
Soil pH Tester
Soil pH, Moisture, Lux & Temp ( Digital Soil pH)
Soil Moisture Meter
Soil Salinity Tester, Test Equipment Soil salinity
Soil Sieve Test ( Shaker Sieve Machine 1 Unit 5 and Unit)
Stainless Steel Sieve
Soil Sample Divider Tool
( Measuring Moisture Grain)
Grain Moisture Meter, over 40 kinds of grain
4 Grain Moisture Meter
36 Grain Moisture Meter
Grain Hardness-sclerometer
Analysis Tool Oil, Protein, Water, Grain Alcohol on, the palm kernel
Grain Moisture Meter
Moisture Meter scope form
Tool Makers Seed Sample
Seed Grain Inspection Tool
Grain-Seed Counters Tool
Vacuum Seed Counting And Planting
Cleansing Grains lab scale
Sample Dividers machine ( use Electric Motors)
Sample Dividers Manual Seed / Grain Divider
sample Splitter
Miller Electric
( Grain Milling Machine)
Laboratory of Rice Mill
( Machine so Rice Milled Rice for Lab.)
Lab. Rice Polishing Machine
( Machine so Rice Milled Rice for Lab.)
Crush Laboratory Mill
( Engine Penepung)
Electric germinator
Electric germinator With Climate Incubator
Non Electric Eco germinator
( Box Germination)
Seed maturing / Ageing Cabinet
( Wardrobe Ripening Seed)
Seed storage cabinets
Biological Microscope
stereo Microscope
digital Microscope
Oscillation, Water Bath
Portable pH / Temperature Meter KMWM102
Dissolved Oxygen Meter KMMW600
Dissolved Oxygen Meter KMMW600
Portable pH / Conductivity / TDS Combination Meter KMMW801
Turbidity Meters KMMi415
Pocket PH Meter and Temperature Meter
emposan Rat
Mouse Trap
Tool Dividers Land
Soil Moisture and Temperature Meters
Carbon Dioxide Recorders
Soil Solution Sampler
( Tool Makers Soil Sample Solution)
Thickness Measurement Leaves, Leaf Thickness Gauge
Measuring Leaf Area, Leaf Area Meter
Leaf Area Meter
Measuring Land Area, Area Meter
Plan growt Radiation Meter, photosynthetic Photon Flux ( PPF)
Tool Measuring Chlorophyll, Chlorophyll Meter
Tool Measuring Chlorophyll, Chlorophyll Meter
Measuring the Concentration Index Chloropyll tool ( CCI)
Gas Measuring Tool CH4 / CO2 / H2O
Portable Photosynthesis and Fluorescence System, Education
Tool Measuring Leaf Area, Destructive
Portable Tool Measuring Leaf Area, Non-destructive
Plant Canopy Analyzer
Fruit Hardness Test, Hardness
Digital Sugar Refractometer
( Measuring Tool Sugar Levels in Fluids)
Sugar Refractometer
K, Na Flame Photometer
( Tool to measure levels of K, Na on Soil, Fertilizer, Cement, etc.)
Contain Soil Tester
( To test the N, P, K, pH, Salinity)
Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer
Main Instrument Unit
UV-VIS Spectrophotometer KM752G
UV-VIS Spectrophotometer KM757
Gas Chromatograph, FID with 2 units with machine
Soxhlet Extraction for Fat Analyzer
( For analysis of Fat)
Aflatoxin Test Tool
Aflatoxin test kits for grain, food, animal food, fruit, meet, fish etc.
autocontrol Distiller
Nitrogen on Grain Tester, food, beverages etc.
( or Protein Tester)
Contain Oil Seed Test
Cellulose Fiber and extraction tools for analysis
Nitogen Phosphorous and Calcium Analyzer
Heating and Drying Ovens
Drying Oven: 105.8 Liter
Water Bath - Electric
Constant Temperature Oscillator
Portable Sterilizer
Hours Amylase Determination / Identification sprouting damage ( growth) grains ( grain)
Gauge Gluten in Wheat Flour ( Wheat Flour)
Equipment: Gluten Index Centrifuge Tester
Hammer Mill for Quality Grain ( Grain)
Volume Measurement Weight ( grams / liter) - Hectoliter
salinity Meter
Measuring the level of salt in the water
Lux Meter
Measuring Light Intensity level
Precision Thermohygrometer
Knowing Humidity and Temperature for Room
Digital hygrometer
Knowing Humidity and Temperature for Room
sling Hygrometer
Knowing Humidity and Temperature for Room
Noise Measurement
Infrared Thermometer
Dry Soil Test Equipment
PUTS / paddy soil test
Compass and Altimeter
caliper Tree
Drill Tree Trunk
Measurement Chili spiciness ( SHU)
GPS Garmin 76s
You may click the "Company Info" and "Contact Us" to browse and see other informations of CV.Hutabayu Dua Teknik's website.
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