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Hoki jati furniture
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Mr. Tn.Afif

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Y!: hokijatijepara@yahoo.com 
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Jl. Nakula No.2, Ds.Bawu RT.31RW.06 Kec. Batealit
jepara 59400, Jawa Tengah
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Meja TV ( kode: HK-06)
TV cabinet minimalist. Teak Solid Wood Material, Color Finishing Consumers demand.
Meja TV ( kode: HK-05)
TV cabinet minimalist. Teak Solid Wood Material, Color Finishing Consumers demand.
Meja TV ( kode: HK-01)
TV cabinet minimalist. Teak Solid Wood Material, Color Finishing Consumers demand.
Meja TV ( kode: HK-04)
TV cabinet minimalist. Teak Solid Wood Material, Color Finishing Consumers demand.
Meja TV ( kode: HK-02)
TV cabinet minimalist. Teak Solid Wood Material, Color Finishing Consumers demand.
Kursi Teras ( 1 set)
Terrace Chairs Batavia, Teak Wood material, finishing with melamine. a set of patio chairs consisting of 2 chairs and 1 table.
Kursi Teras ( 1 set)
Antiq Terrace Chairs, Teak Wood material, finishing with melamine. a set of patio chairs consisting of 2 chairs and 1 table.
Kursi Teras ( set)
Antiq Terrace Chairs, Teak Wood material, finishing with melamine. a set of patio chairs consisting of 2 chairs and 1 table.
Kursi Teras sono jati
Terrace seats " Sono JATI" , the material combination of teak and sono wood, melamine finishing, color finishing Consumer demand. Patio set ( 2 chairs + 1pcs patio tables.)
Kursi Teras Hongkong
Terrace seats rose motif, Mataerial Teak wood, Finishing melamine, color finishing Consumer demand. Core Set consists of 2 chairs and 1 table.
Dipan/ Tempat Tidur Minimalis Motif Kawong
Beds minimalist carvings kawong, Materials of high quality teak wood. available unfinish and finishing with a size of 180x200cm and 160x200cm.
We also provide a set of rooms....
Dipan / Tempat Tidur Minimalis Mawar
Beds minimalist carving roses, Materials of high quality teak wood. available unfinish and finishing with a size of 180x200cm and 160x200cm.
We also provide a set of rooms....
Dipan/ Tempat Tidur Bagong Silang
Beds Model Bagong Silang, Materials of high quality teak wood. available unfinish and finishing with a size of 180x200cm.
We also provide a set of rooms consists of: cabinets, ....
Dipan / Tempat Tidur Sriwiti Ukiran Jepara
Beds Cots or Motif Sriwiti, Materials of high quality teak wood. available unfinish and finishing with a size of 160x200cm, 180x200cm.
We also provide a set of rooms consists of: ....
Dipan / Tempat Tidur Motif Mawar Kalung
Beds Cots or Rose Motif Necklace, Material of high quality teak wood. available unfinish and finishing with a size of 160x200cm, 180x200cm.
We also provide a set of rooms....
Dipan/ Tempat Tidur Prancis
Tempat Tidur Prancis , bahan JATI SOLID, warna finishing sesuai permintaan Konsumen. Tersedia Ukuran 160x200cm dan 180x200cm.
Tempat Tidur Motif Obat Nyamuk
Dipan Ukir obat nyamuk from solid teak wood use natural colour or adapt to request finishing melamin luxurious style, for contact order: + 62 821 336 03279 ( Mr. AFIF)
Dipan/ Tempat Tidur Moatif bunga Tulip
Bed tulip motif. Available sizes and 160 x 200 cm and 180x200 cm. Material Teak wood, Finishing Melamine, Color Finishing Consumers demand.
Lemari Pakaian Antiq Minimalis
minimalist antique cabinets, available 4-door, 3 and 2 doors. made of solid teak wood of choice.
finishing color can be customized with a choice of consumers.
Almari Pakaian Minimalis ( KODE: HK 03)
minimalist wardrobe, available 4-door, 3 and 2 doors. made of solid teak wood of choice.
finishing color can be customized with a choice of consumers.
Lemari Pakaian Peluru
wardrobe bullet model, available 4-door, 3 and 2 doors. made of solid teak wood of choice.
finishing color can be customized
Almari Pakaian Motif Mawar
Clothes cupboard carved rose motif P3, Made from Solid Teak Wood, Available door 4, p.3 and P.2.
finishing color can be customized with customer demand.
Almari Pakaian ( KODE : HK 021)
Clothes cupboards Made of Solid Teak Wood and Wood Mohoni
- For motives can customize clothes cupboard with other items so Motif Sets rooms, namely:
- Beds, nightstand ( chest....
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