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shenzhen hiway technology co., ltd

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shenzhen hiway technology co., ltd
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    Specification :

    Wasabi is not your typical Wii drivechip. Apart from all the usual features

    you'd expect from any good chip (including a working built-in GC audiofix),

    it sets new standards on many points:
    It's the first chip that works on all drives, from DMS to latest D2C drives

    (including GC2-D1A).
    It's the first D2C compatible chip that is upgradable from DVD.
    It's the easiest chip to install on D2C: only 9 wires, only 3 of them

    connected to a pin/via.
    It's the easiest chip to install on DMS and D2B as well: No need to use a

    dremel or super-glue with "cut-pin" drives, and there's no pin/via to solder

    even with the latest D2B boards.
    It's the first D2C compatible chip that is as clean as DMS/D2B drivechips:

    full control over the drive's firmware, no physical patching on the lines

    while the games are running. That means perfect stability, more control, and

    no stress on the drive's components. PHILIPGAMES123 AT GMAIL COM Best of

    all, it's the first chip to include a decent amount of flash memory (128KB)

    for firmware and data storage.

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