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HILDAN SAFETY...\"One Stop Safety Solution\" Pemesanan : 0852 340 89 809 / 0852 3311 1221, Email : info@hildansafety.com / info@jualsepatusafety.com
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LINE: hildan_safety hildan_safety
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Phone number of Mr. HILDAN FATHONI at Malang

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Mobile number of Mr. HILDAN FATHONI at Malang


Malang, Jawa Timur

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Registration Date: Nov. 4, 2015 - Last Updated: Nov. 12, 2015
Business Nature : Manufacturing, Trade, Service of Security & Protection category

Company Brief

HILDAN SAFETYHILDAN SAFETY Â ® began operation in Malang, East Java in 2011. Our first products were local safety shoes with a market share of private companies in Indonesia. This first step gets a good response from various companies and institutions in Indonesia. SOE began PT.HUTAMA WORKS, PT.PLN, PT.JNE, PT.TELKOM to PTPN X become our clients.
   In 2013 HILDAN SAFETY  ® unbelievable variety of brand principal to distribute safety shoes with brands that are Go International. Some brands that have joined us include: KING' S, cheetahs, Red Wing, Safety JOGGER, Bellota, KRUSHERS, OTTER, Krisbow, K2 and several other brands.
   Delivery of our safety shoes has reached various cities throughout Indonesia. Starting from Jakarta, Bekasi, Balikpapan, Yogyakarta, Malang, Bandung, Surabaya, Semarang, Nganjuk, Madiun, Samarinda, Aceh, Merauke, Jayapura, Sanggau, even to Australia.
   2014 HILDAN SAFETY  ® solidified itself as a " One Stop Safety Solution " . We are expanding our product line to be: safety shoes, safety wear and equipment, safety videos and safety training. The concept of one stop service will make it easier for clients to meet all their needs in one place. Because we understand good relations so long exceeded the relationship between supplier and customer. But has become a family relationship of mutual support and serve all components of your business growth. Great vision is certainly supported by customer service personnel are professional, friendly and efficient in meeting the needs of its clients, both private and corporate clients.
   We would like to thank all clients who have cooperated and give confidence to us. Pride for us to serve a variety of large corporations and government agencies. The hard work and dedication we offer to support the progress of corporate clients.

Safety equipment for your needs, you can contact us at:
Monday - Saturday, at 08.00 - 16.00
0852 3311 1221 ( SMS, Phone & WhatsApp)
0852 340 89 809 ( SMS, Phone & WhatsApp)
+ 62 341 578742 ( INDONESIA & International)
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