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Name:Mrs. dyja
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Y!: dija_hadijah 
Mobile Number:Mobile number of Mrs. dyja at Makassar
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Address:Makassar, Sulawesi Selatan
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Registration Date:Jun. 25, 2024
Last Updated:Jul. 2, 2012
Business Nature:Trade of Health & Beauty category

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Propolis Diamond
With diamond let consuming Propolis, Propolis Natural PNZ can routinely treat 300 kinds of diseases. It was amazing ....
Five drops just enough diamond Propolis, Natural PNZ once at your bedtime, it can be free of diseases including:
Headaches, migraines, hair loss, insomnia, stress due to pressure of work, gray hair, dandruff, red eyes, eye infections, nose infections, sore throat and throat, ear infections, bleeding gums, tooth pain, brain tumors, stroke, neurological disorders and stuttering, sinusitis, cataracts, ear pus, epilepsy, and so on .... Anyway, all kinds of diseases can be treated.
Propolis has a very complex composition, a complete knowledge of the composition of propolis is very helpful to make use of propolis in health duni. Based on the results of a study of various types of propolis obtained more than 300 elements in the propolis are: flavonoids, chalcones, dehydrochalcones, etc..
Quantitative composition of propolis is as follows;
A. 55% resin, 5% pollen
2. 7.5% - 35% wax
3. 10% of essential oils
4. 5% amino acid
5. 4.4 to 19% of oil fly
Propolis has over 60 positive benefits in the human body. Which activate macrophages, inhibits the growth of tumor cells in the colon, the effects of blood clots, anti mikroorgnisme that are resistant to acid, allergenic, antibacterial, antibiotic, antifungal, antidepressant, antipendarahan, antiherves, anti-infective, disenfektan, antipembekakan, antileukimia, anti tuberculosis, antioxidants, antikejang, antistress, and much more. Propolis is able to treat more than 300 diseases that come from the entire system of the human body from the digestive system, defense system, nervous system, secretion system, glandular system, reproductive system, respiratory system, ekresi system, and circulatory system.
Side effects of propolis is.
Dr. Mc Kewan Leonard writes that during the year 2500 the use of propolis by people from different cultures are not listed there are serious negative effects of propolis. Even doctors in Russia used to provide 9 grams of propolis each day to patients without constraints. Adapu mild effect the patients were dry mouth and throat after consuming propolis and warm skin after topical propolis. Of course it is not dangerous is not ....
Even the professor Stefan Stangaciu a researcher from Romania mentioned that propolis has a lot of benefits in health and luasa SSAT is used as medicine for many diseases. Propolis itself is the sap collected by bees from plant buds and various types of plants that are broken when the sap of the plant is then mixed with enzymes present in the salivary glands of bees and use to protect the nests of various bacteria, viruses and fungi. Propolis is not only important for the bee colony but also important for human and animal health.

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