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toko herbalmedika -pesan antar / delivery service : Telp 021 7004 1623 , SMS 0856 80 977 54 ( sms 24 hours )
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    GAMAT EMAS - GOLDEN SEA CUCUMBER - HOISOM - herbal patah tulang, nyeri sendi, kaki gajah , lupus dll

    Rp 100 000,- harga eceran
    Quantity Order:
    Payment Method:
    Telegraphic Transfer (T/T), Cashier Order, Bank Cheque, L/C
    Pack. & Delivery:
    botol isi 70 caps

    Specification :

    Golden Sea Cucumber is gamat item that has faster response and optimal results. Can help improve the function of cell regeneration, helps the treatment of coronary heart disease, gout, diabetes mellitus, cholesterol, blood sugar, hepatitis, hypertension, lupus, ulcers ( stomach) , acne, wounds, burns, pneumonia, typhoid, tumors, stroke, epilepsy, asthma, osteoporosis, osteoarthritis, fracture healing, etc.

    Containing Golden Sea Cucumbar ( Tripang Gold) , Collagen ( Binder Bones) , Mucopolysaccharide ( blood thinner) , Glucosamine ( Incentives bone growth) , Chondroitin Sulfate, Holoturin ( anti-virus & Materials cancer) , Omega 3, 6 & 9, Chromium, Amino Acids, etc..

    100% Gamat Gold

    3x 1-2 capsule / day before meals, pera lot oflah drink water after consuming Gamat.

    Store in cool (

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