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  • Products Catalog

    Pijat Mata Eye Care Yashuai

    Rp 140.000,00
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    Payment Method:
    Telegraphic Transfer (T/T)

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    Eye massage tool is useful for therapy and prevention of disorders of the eye.
    Research studies have proven that magnets have a tremendous effect on the organs and nervous system in the human body when he applied to acupuncture points tertentu.Ia can activate cells in a tissue, blood capillaries widen, adding to supply oxygen and nutrients to enhance cell . Equipment Massage or Eye Care Eye Massager is designed based on studies of applied tersebut.Ia massage tool is shaped like the eye glasses on the tip of the existing magnetic-frontman frontman pemijatnya.Ketika in the " on" it, it will vibrate, stimulating the acupuncture points in about the profession mata.Orang many uses her eyes to work, such as computer operators, designers, secretary of, drivers, accountants, users of spectacles, people whose eyes were watery if wind, people who frequently stay up at night, the existing lines and wrinkles dark circles around the eyes, which blurred his vision, which had a sore eye, and often dizzy, suitable for using this product.
    Use eye care massager every day, God willing, your vision becomes clear again.

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