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    organic aniseeds

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    Aniseed, sometimes spelled as anise, anis or anise seed, is considered a spice with a sweet licorice-like taste. It is of the Family Apiaceae, which makes it a relative of other plants like celery, dill, coriander and cumin. Both seed and leaves from the plant pimpinella anisum carry the licorice taste, but in recipes, either whole or ground seeds are usually used to add distinctive flavors to food. Aniseed essential oils may be derived from the seed too, which contain the phytoestrogen compound anethole. Anethole is also present in fennel, and star anise and accounts for the sweet aroma and taste of oils, ground or whole seeds, and leaves.


    Anise, like fennel, contains anethole, a phytoestrogen.
    Anise has been used to treat menstrual cramps.
    The main use of anise in European herbal medicine was for its carminative effect, as noted by John Gerard in his " Great Herball, " an early encyclopedia of herbal medicine.
    The essential oil has reportedly been used as an insecticide against head-lice and mites.

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