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    Jual Buah Matoa ( buah Papua)

    Jual Buah Matoa ( buah Papua)

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    Sell matoa Fruit ( Fruit Papua)
    Coconut flavor and taste of durian.
    Matoa ( Pometia pinnata) is a typical plant in Papua, including to the family Sapindaceae. Matoa trees can grow tall and have a fairly hard wood. Taste the fruit is a mixture of rambutan, durian, and kelengkeng. The fruit is oval shaped and sized betel nuts ( Palm family) , when young, green and yellowish green when ripe.

    This plant is the floral identity of the Province of West Papua.


    This plant is easily propagated / bred by seed, and other ways, such as transplantation and grafting. Matoa grown in a cool area or in other words more easily grown in the highlands, although it can also grow in the lowlands.
    This fruit is a seasonal fruit which bear fruit in September - October. Taste the fruit is sweet, like fruit or fruit rambuatan kelengkeng.
    Matoa trees grow tall.
    Awetnya 10 days, if inserted refrigerator better.
    Price: Rp. 100 thousand per kg ( Package 1)
    Price: Rp. 80 thousand per kg ( Pack of 3 kg)
    For Subscribers Bandung least 3 KG.
    + Postage.
    Call: 08172300975

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