Specification :
We are manufacture of Ultrasonic cleaning transducer , power from 10-200 W and frequency from 17-200khz
Also supply item PCB and generator , sweepin , adjustable power and adjustable frequecny
1, Ultrasonic cleaning transducer
A, Low frequency , 17khz, 18khz, 20khz, 23khz
B, higher frequency , 50khz, 60khz, 68khz 80khz, 100khz, 120khz, 130khz, 168khz, 170khz, 200khz
C, double frequency : 33 / 45, 28/ 48, 40/ 80, 40/ 130/ 40/ 120 , 100/ 168
D, Triple frequency , 40 / 80 / 130
E , Middle frequency : 28khz, 25khz, 33khz, 35 khz , 40khz
2 , Ultrasonic PCB sweep ( drive 1-4 transducers , power from 50-200W) ,