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oducts Catalog:Centrifuge Hettich EBA21  Products Catalog:Centrifuge Hettich EBA20  Products Catalog:Hand Centrifuges Hettich1014  Products Catalog:Centrifuge HC 1120 T  Products Catalog:Riester Sinuscope  Products Catalog:Riester Otoscope  Products Catalog:Riester Tele Laryngo Pharyngoscope  Products Catalog:Riester Naso Pharingoscope  Products Catalog:Riester Aneroid Exacta  Products Catalog:Riester Sphygmotensiophon  Products Catalog:Riester ri san Aneroid  Products Catalog:Riester Precisa N  Products Catalog:Riester Aneroid Minimus II  Products Catalog:Riester Aneroid R1 shock proof  Products Catalog:Riester ri mini/ pen scope  Products Catalog:Riester Global deluxe wall model  Products Catalog:Riester Empire Sphygmomanometer N Anesthesia model  Products Catalog:Riester Empire Sphygmomanometer desk model  Products Catalog:Riester Empire Sphygmomanometer wall model  Products Catalog:Riester Empire Sphygmomanometer stand model  Products Catalog:Riester Nova Presameter wall model  Products Catalog:Riester Nova Presamater stand model  Products Catalog:Riester Nova Presameter desk model  Products Catalog:Riester Diplomat Presamater desk model  Products Catalog:Duplex de luxe baby Stethoscopes Riester  Products Catalog:Riester De luxe Neonatal  Products Catalog:Duplex de luxe Stethoscopes Riester  Products Catalog:Riester Cardiophon  Products Catalog:Extra Low Temperature  Products Catalog:RIESTER RI SAN ANEROID SPHYGMOMANOMETER 


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Timbangan Bayi....
Price :
Hubungi team sales kami

Product Details:
This sturdy, steel constructed model features a durable plastic tray and a large, easy-to-read mechanical dial. This is the simple, affordable alternative to....

Timbangan Kern TEE....
Price :
Hubungi team sales kami

Cover made of shock proof plastic as protection against pressure and dust.Can also be used as a tare cup
Blue backlit LCD display
Digit height 9 mm
Easy to use, with 2 keys....

Timbangan Kern CM....
Price :
Hubungi team sales kami

Hard case cover as protection against pressure and dust with integrated pocket calculator ( Only Kern CM)
Backlit LCD display
Baterries size AAA ( 2 x 1, 5 V)


Timbangan Kern CMC/ ....
Price :
Hubungi team sales kami

Hard case cover as protection against pressure and dust
Carat balance with carat divison ( ct)
Can be switched over from ct to g at the touch of a key

Timbangan Kern EMB
Price :
Hubungi team sales kami

Kern EMB
Large LCG display, digit height 15 mm
Technical Data:
Overall dimensions :
( WxDxH ) 170x240x39 mm
Nett weight :
Approx 600 gr
Model / type

Kern EMB 100-3 : ....

Timbangan Kern PLE-N
Price :
Hubungi team sales kami

Kern PLE
Backlit LCD display with digit height 17 mm
Battery operation Internal , standard operating time approx 30 hours,
Charge indicator display

Overall dimensions 170 x....

Timbangan Kern KB
Price :
Hubungi team sales kami

Kern KB
Large LCD display, digit height 9 mm
Technical Data:
Overall dimensions :
( WxDxH ) 165x230x80 mm
Nett weight :
Approx 1, 5 kg gr
Model / type

KB 120-3N

Timbangan Kern 440
Price :
Hubungi team sales kami

KERN 440
Backlit LCD display with digit height 15 mm
Overall dimensions 165 x 230 x 80 mm

Weighing range 40
Read out 0, 001
Reproducibility 0, 001
Linearity  ± ....

showing 1-8 of 8