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CV. guo mandiri

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CV. guo mandiri
Company Profile
Company Contact
Name:Mr. usman hasyim [Owner/Entrepreneur]
Mobile Number:Mobile number of Mr. usman hasyim at bandung
Phone Number:Phone number of Mr. usman hasyim at bandung
Address:jl. terusan galunggung No.09
bandung 40263, Jawa Barat
Average User ReviewThere is no review for this company - Write a review
Registration Date:May. 24, 2023
Last Updated:Oct. 8, 2011
Business Nature:Manufacturing, Trade, Service of Business Services category

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Company Brief

cv guo is an independent business founded by three people, among others, host usman, Ganjar host, and host opik
This effort in the field of oil production bregerak clove until the purification of eugenol, tibedak only that the new development even though our company is established in 2009 but our company has developed various business sectors, among others, Agent Gatherer Paper, Printing, Silk Screen, and Confection

Major Products / Services
    kami adalah perusahaan yang meperoduksi penyulingan daun cengkih untuk pempbelian bisa langsung hubungi kami.
  • Agen Kertas Bekas
    perusahaan kami menerima atau jual kertas bekas baik partai kecil ataupun partai besar
  • percetakan
    kimi juga menerima pembuatan dan Disain spanduk, Baligho, X-Biner, Roll Biner, Poster, Sablon Kaos, Dll
  • Konfeksi
    kami menerima pesanan Pembuatan Kaos, Pakaian Wisuda, Sweeter, Jaket, Dll

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