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Selling Offers

  • Rauwolfia


    [Jan. 29, 2008 20:48:55]

    Latin: Rauvolfia verticillata
    English: Rauwolfia
    Chinese: ShanMaTi
    Specification: Whole....

  • Ceanothus Fruit

    Ceanothus Fruit

    [Jan. 29, 2008 20:48:16]

    Latin: Phamnus cathartica L.
    English: Ceanothus Fruit
    Chinese: YaoShuLi
    Apply To: ....

  • Oolong Tea

    Oolong Tea

    [Jan. 29, 2008 20:47:14]

    Chinese: WuLongCha
    Specification: Crashed, powder
    Apply To: Anti-cancer, Hypolipidemic, Anti....

  • White Tea

    White Tea

    [Jan. 29, 2008 20:46:19]

    Chinese: BaiCha
    Specification: Crashed, powder
    Apply To: Anti-cancer, anti-cancer....

  • Green Tea

    Green Tea

    [Jan. 29, 2008 20:45:34]

    Chinese: LuCha
    Specification: Crashed, powder
    Apply To: resisting caducity, restraining....

  • Hawthorn


    [Jan. 29, 2008 20:44:47]

    Latin: Crataegus cuneata
    English: Hawthorn
    Chinese: ShanZha
    Specification: Whole Fruit, T....

  • Cortex Mori

    Cortex Mori

    [Jan. 29, 2008 20:44:04]

    Latin: Morus alba
    English: Cortex Mori
    Chinese: SangBaiPi
    Specification: Whole Bark, T-cut....

  • Indian Dendranthema Flower

    Indian Dendranthema....

    [Jan. 29, 2008 20:43:19]

    Latin: Chrysanthenum indicum
    English: Indian Dendranthema Flower
    Chinese: YeJuHua....

  • Caragana


    [Jan. 29, 2008 20:42:37]

    Latin: Caragana microphylla
    English: Caragana
    Chinese: JinJiEr
    Specification: Whole root, ....

  • Eucommia Bark

    Eucommia Bark

    [Jan. 29, 2008 20:41:45]

    Latin: Eucommia Ulmoides
    English: Eucommia Bark
    Chinese: DuZhong
    Specification: Whole bark, ....

  • Salsola


    [Jan. 29, 2008 20:41:10]

    Latin: Salsola collina
    English: Salsola
    Chinese: ZhuMaoCai
    Specification: Whole herbs, T....

  • Harlequin Glorybower

    Harlequin Glorybower

    [Jan. 29, 2008 20:40:27]

    Latin: Clerodendron Trichototum
    English: Harlequin Glorybower
    Chinese: ChouWuTong....

  • Rauwolfia


    [Jan. 29, 2008 20:39:27]

    Latin: Rauvolfia verticillata
    English: Rauwolfia
    Chinese: ShanMaTi
    Specification: Whole....



    [Jan. 29, 2008 20:37:54]

    Latin: Rhizoma Tormentillae
    Chinese: JinYingZi....

  • Dandelion Root

    Dandelion Root

    [Jan. 29, 2008 20:37:09]

    Latin: Radix Taraxacum
    English: Dandelion Root
    Chinese: PuGongYing
    Specification: Whole....

  • Echinacea


    [Jan. 29, 2008 20:36:07]

    Latin: Echinacea purpurea
    English: Echinacea
    Chinese: ZiZhuiJu
    Specification: Whole flower....

  • Greater Calandine Herb

    Greater Calandine....

    [Jan. 29, 2008 20:35:29]

    Latin: Herba Chelidonii
    English: Greater Calandine Herb
    Chinese: BaiQuCai

  • Plantain Seed

    Plantain Seed

    [Jan. 29, 2008 20:34:49]

    Latin: Plantago Psyllium
    English: Plantain Seed
    Chinese: CheQianZi
    Specification: Whole....

  • Inula


    [Jan. 29, 2008 20:33:55]

    Latin: Radix Inulae
    English: Inula
    Chinese: TuMuXiang
    Specification: Whole Root, T-Cut....

  • Plantain


    [Jan. 29, 2008 20:33:07]

    Latin: Folium Plantaginis lanceolatae
    English: Plantain
    Chinese: CheQianCao
    Specification: ....

  • Valeriana


    [Jan. 29, 2008 20:32:29]

    Latin: Valeriana offeinalis L.
    English: Valeriana
    Chinese: XieCao
    Specification: Whole....

  • Artemisia


    [Jan. 29, 2008 20:19:28]

    Latin: Herba Absinthii
    English: Artemisia
    Chinese: AiYe
    Specification: whole leaves, powder....

  • Gromwell Root

    Gromwell Root

    [Jan. 29, 2008 20:18:44]

    Latin: Radix Symphyti
    English: Gromwell Root
    Chinese: ZiCao
    Specification: Powder, whole....

  • Sodium Sulfate

    Sodium Sulfate

    [Jan. 29, 2008 20:17:40]

    Assay: 99. 0% min
    Insoluables in water: 0. 05% max
    Mg: 0. 15% max
    Cl: 0.....

  • Oleic Acidc

    Oleic Acidc

    [Jan. 29, 2008 20:16:50]

    Acid Value( mgKOH/ g) : 190-230
    Lodine Value ( g/ 100g) : 80-100
    Color ( Fe-Co) : 5# max
    Freezing ....

  • Peppermint Oil

    Peppermint Oil

    [Jan. 29, 2008 20:16:05]

    A) Specifications:
    Color and appearance: slightly yellow clear liquid. color no.6 max.....

  • Menthol Crystal

    Menthol Crystal

    [Jan. 29, 2008 20:15:17]

    1) Natural menthol crystal
    2) C10H20O model: Wt. 156. 27
    3) 2-isopropyl-5....

  • Fresh Potato

    Fresh Potato

    [Jan. 29, 2008 20:10:18]

    1) 50 - 100grams/ piece
    2) 100 - 150grams/ piece
    3) 150 - 200grams/ piece
    4) ....

  • Fresh onion

    Fresh onion

    [Jan. 29, 2008 20:09:43]

    Origin: China
    Quality: high quality onions
    Feature: perfect round shape, peel with....

  • Fresh garlic

    Fresh garlic

    [Jan. 29, 2008 20:07:41]

    Pure white
    Size: 4-4.5mm
    Packing: 10kg/ CTN.
    Qty./ 40â � � fcl....

  • Cape Jasmine Fruit P.E.

    Cape Jasmine Fruit P....

    [Jan. 29, 2008 20:06:18]

    Latin name Gardenia jasminoides ELLis
    Active ingredients Gardenoside
    Testing method UV....

  • Carrot Extract

    Carrot Extract

    [Jan. 29, 2008 20:05:27]

    Product Name: Beta Carotene
    Active ingredients Carotene
    Place of Origin: China....

  • Garlic P.E

    Garlic P.E

    [Jan. 29, 2008 20:04:20]

    Latin name Allium sativum Linn.
    Active ingredient: Allicin 1%
    Testing method HPLC....

  • Green Tea P.E

    Green Tea P.E

    [Jan. 29, 2008 20:03:22]

    Latin name Camellia sinensis
    Active ingredients Tea Polypherals
    Testingmethod UV....

  • Tomato P.E.

    Tomato P.E.

    [Jan. 29, 2008 20:02:15]

    Latinname: TomatoP.E. Active ingredients Lycopene
    1) Lycopene oil-resin: 5% , 6% , 10% , 15% ....

  • Barbury Wolfberry fruit P.E.

    Barbury Wolfberry....

    [Jan. 29, 2008 20:01:28]

    Latin scientific name : Fructus Lycii
    Active ingredients Lycium chinense polysaccharide....

  • St. Johnâ��s wort Hypericin Extract

    St. Johnâ � � s wort....

    [Jan. 29, 2008 19:59:56]

    Latin name: Hypericum perforatum
    Active ingredients: Hypericin
    Testing method: HPLC....

  • Rhodiola Rosea Extract

    Rhodiola Rosea....

    [Jan. 29, 2008 19:59:00]

    Latin name Rhodiola sachalinensis A.Bor.
    Active ingredients Salidroside
    Testing method....

  • Tuber Fleeceflower Extract

    Tuber Fleeceflower....

    [Jan. 29, 2008 19:58:09]

    Latin name Polygonum multiflorum Alternate
    Active ingredients Phosphatide
    Testing method....

  • Epimedium Extract

    Epimedium Extract

    [Jan. 29, 2008 19:57:03]

    Latin name Epimdium biolba
    Active ingredients Total Icariin & Icariin
    Testing method HPLC....

  • Astragalus mongholicus Extract


    [Jan. 29, 2008 19:55:51]

    Latin name Radix Astragali
    Active ingredients Astragaloside IV & Astragalus....

  • Hawthron extract

    Hawthron extract

    [Jan. 29, 2008 19:54:30]

    Latin name Crataegus pinnatifida Bge
    Active ingredients Total flavone
    Testing method UV....

  • Ganoderma extract

    Ganoderma extract

    [Jan. 29, 2008 19:53:41]

    Latin name Ganoderma lacidum
    Active ingredients polysaccharide
    Testing method UV....

  • Schisandra Extract

    Schisandra Extract

    [Jan. 29, 2008 19:52:51]

    Latin name Schisandra chinesis( Turcz.) Baill
    Active ingredients Deoxyschizandin & g....

  • Sweet Wormwood Herb Extract

    Sweet Wormwood Herb....

    [Jan. 29, 2008 19:52:05]

    Latin name Artemisia annua L.
    Active ingredients Artemisinin
    Testing method HPLC....

  • Magnolia Bark Extract

    Magnolia Bark....

    [Jan. 29, 2008 19:51:03]

    Latin name Magnolia officinalis
    Active ingredients Honokiol
    Testing method HPLC....

  • Red Clover Extract

    Red Clover Extract

    [Jan. 29, 2008 19:50:14]

    Latin name Trifolium Pratense
    Active ingredients: Total Isoflavones Testing method HPLC....

  • Ginkgo biloba Extract

    Ginkgo biloba....

    [Jan. 29, 2008 19:48:43]

    Latin name Ginkgo biloba
    Active ingredients Ginkoflavones & Terpenlactone
    Testing method....

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