Product Name: Angelicae P.E. Product Specification: 1% Ligustides Appearance: Yellowish-brown fine powder Part of the Plant Used: Whole root Extract Method: Grain Alcohol/ Water Common Use: The root has earned a reputation as the " ultimate herb" for women. It is used to restore balance to a woman hormones and cycles and is helpful in restoring menstrual regularity and for conditions of the reproductive system. It is not recommended during pregnancy, for women with excessive menstrual flow or for people taking blood thinning agents.Dong Quai ExtractA traditional Chinese herbal Extract for the symptoms of PMS.In Asia, dong quai' s reputation is perhaps second only to ginseng. Predominantly regarded as a ' female' remedy, dong quai has been used in such conditions as painful menstruation, and for menopausal symptoms. Scientific investigation has shown dong quai produces a balancing effect on estrogen activity and a tonic effect on the uterus, normalising uterine contractions. Storage Situation: Stored in a cool and dry well-closed container, keep away from moisture and strong light/ heat.