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GlobaL ABZ Group ( Karafarin Yar Alborz)

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GlobaL ABZ Group ( Karafarin Yar Alborz)
GlobaL ABZ Group ( Karafarin Yar Alborz)
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    Marketing in Iran for your company

    Marketing in Iran for your company

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    Marketing in Iran for your company/ products/ services

    Iranian Language ( Persian) is the language of 150, 000, 000 people in Middle East!
    KAYA IT, a sub-group of GLOBAL ABZ Group, has its unique way to introduce your company and products or services to all over Iran market.
    Our special offer package includes:
    One page Persian ( Iranian) Language advertisement for your company in 110 Iranian advertisement websites!
    The cost for translation and putting your introduction in 110 websites ( 1 page X 110 websites) : USD 100
    You will receive 110 link addresses of those 110 pages of your ordered advertisement page, to check the pages.
    You will be seen in a 150, 000, 000 market!
    The inquirer visitors can either contact you directly in English or our international business department in GLOBAL ABZ Group will arrange your business with your Iranian clients and customers.

    http: / / www.abz-power.com/ en/ kontakt/

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