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Glassware Indonesia ( Specialist In General Laboratory,  Scientific Equipment,  Laboratory Chemical,  Laboratory Glasswares)
Glassware Indonesia ( Specialist In General Laboratory, Scientific Equipment, Laboratory Chemical, Laboratory Glasswares)
Contact Information
Mr. Irfan [Marketing]
Phone Number:
Phone number of Mr. Irfan at Jakarta Timur
Mobile Number:
Mobile number of Mr. Irfan at Jakarta Timur
Fax Number:
Fax number of Mr. Irfan at Jakarta Timur
Jl. Pahlawan Revolusi No. 22B, Jakarta 13430
Jakarta Timur 13430, Jakarta
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Gelas kimia bentuk tinggi

Gelas kimia bentuk tinggiDistributor, agent, store and suplier bahan-bahan
kimia,dan alat-alat laboratorium.

Kunjungi Web kami juga di :http://glasswareindonesia.com
Kontak Person:Meta dan Bpk. Irfan (0815 1104 7832, 0816 1337 337, (021) 4460 3771)
Alamat: Jl. Pahlawan Revolusi No. 22B.
Telp. +62-21-8611 131, 8611 259, 8611 444, 8611449
Fax: +62-21-8611 207.
Website :www.glasswareindonesia.com
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AUTOMATIC BURET with GLASS stopcock & Flat Joint Bottle
AUTOMATIC BURET with GLASS stopcock and Flat Joint Bottle.

CODE NO. VOL ( ml) SIZE ( Tol ml) Bottle PCS/ CASE

F- BURET10S 10 + 0.02 1
FLASK,  ERLENMEYER with TS Glass Stopper
Erlenmeyer flasks are used in chemistry labs for titration, especially of pH

Erlenmeyer flasks are often used to heat liquids, e.g. with a Bunsen burner. For that purpose, the....
FLASK,  ERLENMEYER without TS Glass Stopper ( ISO,  K-6)
without TS Glass Stopper ( ISO, K-6) .

CODE NO. VOL ( ml) SIZE ( Tol ml) PCS/ CASE
5021FK.BONLY50-19 50. 10
5021FK.BONLY100-24 100 10..
FLASK,  ERLENMEYER with TS Glass Stopper ( ISO,  K-6)

with TS Glass Stopper ( ISO, K-6) .

CODE NO. VOL ( ml) SIZE ( Tol ml) PCS/ CASE) .

5021FK50-19 50 10
5021FK100-24 100 10
Labu ukur ( Volumetric Flask )
Volumetric flasks are used in chemistry labs for titration, especially of pH.

Erlenmeyer flasks are often used to heat liquids, e.g. with a Bunsen burner. For that purpose, the....
Alat - alat kimia
Selling Chemistry and physics Teaching Equipments and Measuring Instruments for General Laboratory.
Tabung Reaksi Kimia
Various of Test tubes and their functions from any brands Japan, Europe and USA with competitive prices and good services from our company.
Telp. 021 8611 444
Fax . 021 8661....
Botol Plastik HDPE
It is used for analysing in the Laboratory as Chemical Reagent storage or other things depends on the End User needs.

Kontak Person: Meta and Bpk. Irfan ( 0815....
Botol Media
Media Bottle is a medium for chemical reagents at the Laboratory

Kontak Person: Ibu Meta and Bpk. Irfan ( 0815 1104 7832, 0816 1337 337, ( 021) 4460 3771) .
Corong pisah
Separating funnel or a funnel separation is laboratory equipment used in liquid-liquid extraction to separate the components of a mixture between the two solvent phases with....
showing 1-10 of 10