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gatsha metal mining district

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gatsha metal mining district
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Company Contact
Name:Mr. mbandle gatsha [Director/CEO/General Manager]
Mobile Number:Mobile number of Mr. mbandle gatsha at kotiala
Phone Number:Phone number of Mr. mbandle gatsha at kotiala
Fax Number:Fax number of Mr. mbandle gatsha at kotiala
Address:rue54porte785kotiala village Mali
kotiala 00223, bamako
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Registration Date:May. 24, 2023
Last Updated:Feb. 17, 2008
Business Nature:Manufacturing of Mineral, Metals & Materials category

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Company Brief

The Gatsha metal mining unit district of the kotiala village mali west africa have been existing since 1976 it was a local mining unit then until now it became one of the top gold mining company here in mali that is been controlled by the southafrican detective of gold dust, the gatsha gold have been really sufficient to maintain the kotiala village economic to standard and its neirghbouring town, it have been into negotiation with the government of Mali,
the Gatsha gold dust has been really standard that we can produce at least 800kgs of gold dust weekly, based on a good quality
93.5% purity or better
22carat quality
some times gold bars are also available but not on a high quantity.
and our price has been suita ble to our clients far and wide
11, 000Euro per kg which is negotiable depending on the transaction with the client based on a long term business relationship and the mode on shipment.

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