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    Air Mancur terbuat dari Abu Batu Candi

    Air Mancur terbuat dari Abu Batu Candi

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    Water Fountain made from dust of Temple Stone

    This Temple Water Fountain come from Jogjakarta, Indonesia.

    We hope our customers may enjoy this temple water fountain from quality, beauty and of course the low price too. Because now, in several design and trends using natural touch such as this temple water fountain that may create nature environment, exotic, elegant, ethnic and smell like in village. This is great for interior or exterior use.

    This is may located in a small space, so the area looks more larger. And of course sound of water may remind me when we life in a small village. Besides, we can add a light, to make the water fountain be a centre point in that area. Available in more size and style.

    1 US Dollar = Rp.10.000

    Vertikal Style

    Small : Rp. 850.000
    Medium : Rp. 1.750.000
    Large : Rp. 2.950.000

    Terasering Style

    Range Rp. 1.750.000 – Rp. 2.550.000

    * This Prices is on Jakarta, Indonesia and sometimes can be changed without permition first.
    * We always ready stock in much order, for order up to 30 units or more, have to confirm first.
    * The prices is depend on size and we can accept the special/ random size.
    * For more info, Just contact Mr.Ariestio, at Perintis Kemerdekaan Street, Jakarta, Indonesia or email at garishijau@ gmail.com and phone at + 628562255378 or + 622199994378

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