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CV. Geo Alam Media Abadi ( Gama Survey)

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CV. Geo Alam Media Abadi ( Gama Survey)
Company Profile
Company Contact
Name:Mr. Alam Ramdani [Director/CEO/General Manager]
Instant Messaging:
Y!: alam.ramdani 
Mobile Number:Mobile number of Mr. Alam Ramdani at pontianak
Phone Number:Phone number of Mr. Alam Ramdani at pontianak
Address:Jl. HM Suwigyo , Gg Sabar no.11 Pontianak Kalimantan Barat Indonesia
pontianak 78500, Kalimantan Barat
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Registration Date:May. 24, 2023
Last Updated:May. 8, 2009
Business Nature:Service of Computer Hardware & Software category

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CV. Geo Alam Media Abadi Alam Abadi Geo Media ( Gama Survey) berdiri pada tahun 2004 membidangi survey Geodesi dan Hidrografi, ( Gama Survey) was established in 2004 membidangi survey and geodesy Hidrografi, yang melayani Pengukuran dan Pembuatan Titik Control Vertikal, Pengukuran dan Pembuatan Titik Control serving Measurement and Control Vertical Spot Making, Measurement and Control Point Setup Horizontal, survey Topografi, Cross Collection Jalan dan Irigasi, Pembuatan informasi Geografis, Pengadaan Citra Satelite dan Photo Udara max 25 ha. Horizontal, Topography survey, Cross Roads Collection and Irrigation, Pembuatan Geographic information, procurement of Satellite Imagery and Air Photos max 25 ha.
CV. Geo Alam Media Abadi Alam Abadi Geo Media ( Gama Survey) melayani kegiatan survey dalam dan luar negeri dengan mempergunakan peralatan survey canggih seperti : GPS Geodetik, ( Trimble) , Total Station ( Nikon) , WP ( Nikon) , GPS Navigasi ( Garmin) , dan peralatan lainnya yang mendukung kegiatan survey kami. ( Gama Survey) survey in the activities and with overseas practice survey sophisticated equipment such as: Geodetik GPS ( Trimble) , Total Station ( Nikon) , WP ( Nikon) , GPS Navigation ( Garmin) , and other equipment that supports the activities survey we .
CV. Geo Alam Media Abadi Alam Abadi Geo Media ( Gama Survey) memiliki team yang berpengalaman dan terlatih selama bertahun-tahun yang siap bekerja kapan saja dan dimana saja, juga Team GIS Editor yang menguasai berbagai aplikasi GIS yang sesuai dengan standar, seperti AutoCAD, ArcGIS, MapInfo, MapWindows, dan aplikasi lainya. ( Gama Survey) has a team of experienced and trained over the years who are ready to work anytime and anywhere, as well as Team GIS Editor of the various applications of GIS in accordance with the standards, such as AutoCAD, ArcGIS, MapInfo, MapWindows, applications and others.
In addition CV. Geo Alam Media Abadi Alam Abadi Geo Media ( Gama Survey) melayani penyewaan dan penjualan peralatan survey juga software ( Gama Survey) and the rental equipment sales also survey software
aplikasi untuk Gis applications for GIS

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