Whittening Keizo Hand & Body Whitening Moisturiser ( Pemutih Wajah Badan, ketiak & Selangkangan Atau Kulit Mati) HARGA GROSIR TERMURAH TERPERCAYA HUB. 081229777842[Feb. 9, 2012 20:39:39]
Keizo WHITTENING HAND & BODY WHITENING Moisturiser price of Rp. 165.000, - is the Miracle Cream and specials that already famous enough disposable real usefulness in 3 days usage Able to whiten, soften and rejuvenate the entire body even until the skin folds like armpits, Groin And More and protecting the skin from the sun, safe without side effects.
- water
- Glycerine stearate
- Mineral oil
- Stearic acid
- Propylene glycol
- Vitamin E
- Vitamin C
- Cetyl alcohol
- Collagen protein
- Comfrey extract
- Horsetail extract
- panthenol
- Phenoxyethanol
- Squalane
- Vitamin A
- Fragrance
- methylparaben
- allantoin
- Bathing with warm water
- Let it dry
- Then apply evenly creamnya
- Let stand for 30-40menit
- Clean with plain water
- Do this several times as above in the afternoon / evening.
Package contents 200 miles
Glaucester road, sino plaza # 2005 W Bay causeway hongkong.