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BREAST ENLARGEMENT PILL USA ( Pill Pembesar Payudara) GROSIR MURAH BELI 2 DAPAT 3 HUB.081229777842[Feb. 11, 2012 14:31:41]
PriceRp. 195.000,-
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Pack. & Deliverybotol
OriginUnited States
Breast Enlargement USA ( Pill Council breast) is a pill which could be used to tighten and enlarge women' s breasts.

Function Breast Enlargement USA ( Pill Council breast) is
1. to tighten a woman' s breasts
2. create a supple breasts
3. prevent breast sagging
4. repair damaged tissue which the skin on the breast.
5. permanently enlarge the breast.
6. because it also contains Vitamin E Helpful for skin tightening.

- wheat germ oil
- evening primrose

Package contents 500mg x 100 pills

Usage: To PILL BREAST After getting out of bed or before going to bed use 2 times a day, 1 capsul with warm water, the result will be visible after 3-7 days later. Consuming protein foods ( meat, fish) , Amylum ( potatoes) are suggested at the time of therapy using BREAST PILL and small drink 1-2 glasses of wine is also good for improving the network.

Breast Enlargement, USA

* First USD. 225.000, -
* Enough With the price of Rp. 195.000, -

* Buy one normal price Rp.195.000, -
* Buy 2 we love Bonus 1 but with the price of Rp. 400.000, -
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