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qian lie xian feng ( OBAT PROSTAT & SALURAN KENCING HERBAL KOREA) kwalitas no. 1 setiap beli 2 gratis 1 HUB. 081229777842[Feb. 11, 2012 14:17:25]
PriceRp. 130.000,-
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OriginKorea (South)
" ENOUGH DRINKING quake 1 THEN instantly healed."

Drugs Prostate Herbal And Urethral Korea aims to relax the smooth muscles in the prostate area to place of relaxation and urine can flow smoothly. Overcoming all the complaints that it causes such as:
ï ¿ ½ ï ¿ ½ ï ¿ ½ Complaints of frequent urination, especially at night.
ï ¿ ½ ï ¿ ½ ï ¿ ½ Arc of urine is usually the weaker and even dripping urination becomes incomplete.
ï ¿ ½ ï ¿ ½ ï ¿ ½ Weak.
ï ¿ ½ ï ¿ ½ ï ¿ ½ lower back pain and pubic area.
ï ¿ ½ ï ¿ ½ ï ¿ ½ Fever.
ï ¿ ½ ï ¿ ½ ï ¿ ½ Frequent urination.
ï ¿ ½ ï ¿ ½ ï ¿ ½ Urinating disjointed.
ï ¿ ½ ï ¿ ½ ï ¿ ½ And the pain when urinating.

ï ¿ ½ ï ¿ ½ ï ¿ ½ To reduce drinking after dinner.
ï ¿ ½ ï ¿ ½ ï ¿ ½ Avoid decongestant medications ( in medicine flu) .
ï ¿ ½ ï ¿ ½ ï ¿ ½ And reduce drinking coffee or alcohol.

package of the contents of 380 mg X 30 capsul.

The prostate, located below the bladder, is a walnut-size gland that produces seminal fluid. Because the gland surrounding the urethra that runs the bladder, prostate disorders often affect urination.

ï ¿ ½ ï ¿ ½ ï ¿ ½ Infections inflammation called prostatitis;
ï ¿ ½ ï ¿ ½ ï ¿ ½ Benign prostatic hyperplasia ( BPH) , a non-cancerous prostate enlargement common, and
ï ¿ ½ ï ¿ ½ ï ¿ ½ Cancer, malignancy of men who most often.

prostate disorders associated with age-related changes in sex steroid hormones. After age 40, decreased testosterone, and variants of testosterone called dihydrotestosterone ( DHT) and female hormones estrogen-related increases. DHT stimulates cell growth and, in turn, an enlarged prostate. With the elimination inhibit DHT, estrogen has the same effect.

Prostate dysfunction has been termed nutritional disease is much more common in developed Western countries that emphasize derived from animal foods such as red meat, dairy products, and eggs, all foods that tend to accumulate environmental toxins. In contrast, fruit-and vegetable-rich diet provides a protective effect.

Scientific studies that challenge some entrenched views on what we have traditionally considered a healthy food nutrition. For example, growing evidence indicates that milk might be bad for the prostate. Overall, the countries that consume the most milk had the highest incidence of prostate cancer. calcium perpetrator' s milk seems excessive calcium source, regardless of, seems to suppress the synthesis of form of vitamin D that inhibits prostate cancer.

Conversely, men who ate tomatoes, tomato-based foods ( eg, tomato sauce, pasta, etc.) , guava, watermelon, and oranges were reported less likely to get prostate cancer. These foods contain a powerful antioxidant agent called lycopene. Which gives them the characteristic red color. Available as a nutritional supplement, lycopene not only prevent prostate cancer but also can reduce the size of existing tumors.

Some trace nutrients often lacking in our diets also increase prostate health. For example, zinc deficiency primarily affects the prostate gland because it uses a lot more than other body parts. By altering steroid hormone metabolism, zinc supplements may reduce prostate enlargement. Interestingly, pumpkin seeds, traditional folk medicine to promote reproductive health and male prostate, are rich in zinc.

Other nutritional factors that may inhibit prostate cancer include vitamin D, vitamin E, an antioxidant that inhibits cancer growth; soy-based foods containing genistein inhibits cancer, and garlic, which has the-battle, sulfur-containing compounds to cancer.

MEDICINES HERBAL prostate and urinary tract KOREA:
In Europe, a Native American traditional medicines, see Medication Prostate Herbal And Urethral Korea to reduce an enlarged prostate by inhibiting the synthesis of stimulating growth and promoting the elimination of DHT DHT by reducing estrogen levels. Many clinical studies that demonstrate the effectiveness of saw Drugs Prostate Herbal And Urethral Korea. In fact, the herb works better in treating prostate enlargement than the frequently prescribed drugs. In particular, see Medication Prostate Herbal And Urethral Korea was proven effective in nearly 90% of patients, while the chemical Prostate Drugs work in less than half of patients after one years. And because the drug is less effective, far more expensive, and the main side effect is erectile dysfunction.

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* Buy 1 Price Rp.195.000, -
* Buy 3 Price Rp.390.000, - ( @ Rp.130.000, -)
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