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Jiangkang Shijia ( OBAT AMBEIEN/ WASIR HERBAL KOREA ) harga termurah & melayani grosir HUB.08158933776[Dec. 18, 2011 20:49:39]
PriceRp. 195.000,-
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OriginKorea (South)
Recommend to your friends
" ENOUGH DRINKING quake 1 THEN instantly healed."

Or hemorrhoids hemorrhoid anus or rectum is the disease caused by swelling or collateral vessels. Herbal Medicines Hemorrhoids Or pile of Korea has been proved to cure hemorrhoids or hemorrhoid, remove veins in the anus, pull tip release into the inside of the rectum, to stop bleeding during bowel movements or stool ( feces) . Pain relieving pain, soreness and heat in the rectum.

Quite taken once daily before bed 1-2 capsul with warm water then deep enough to drink then instantly healed. Next live alone care to stay healthy and vigorous.

Package Contents:
30 Capsules.

Not eating spicy and fried-Fried.

Hemorrhoids are the swelling of tissue containing blood vessels and located in the wall of the rectum and anus.mengembangkan thrombus ( blood clot) , bleeding, or because of enlarged and prominent. If they remain inside the anus they are called hemorrhoids internal.Mereka protruding outside the anus is called external hemorrhoids.

Korean Medicine divide them into 3 stages:
ï ¿ ½ hemorrhoids protruding stage that does not go out, fresh bleeding during bowel movements.
ï ¿ ½ bulge-stage network of the anus with bleeding, although the network is drawn into the sphincter in a short time.
ï ¿ ½ phase-bleeding with large protruding hemorrhoids that require physical encouraged to put back into the inside of the anus. They may exit the body by coughing, sneezing. laugh, when tired, or when standing for long periods of time.

Hemorrhoids can arise from re-tried during defecation ( which may be caused by hard stools and constipation) , being overweight or pregnant, too many births, chronic diarrhea, long sitting or standing, and heart disease ( which increases blood pressure in the portal vena.Juga, more than a hobby greasy and spicy foods can cause Jiao Qi rich from the mid to sink, so that it loses control of the muscles that cause hemorrhoids. While considering a diet, also believe that protein deficiency can cause hemorrhoids.

Red streaks of blood in the stool ( usually after a bowel movement) or a squirt of anus.Ini usually leaves blood-shot, or maybe change the toilet paper in the toilet water red. In general, a small amount of blood so that it rarely causes severe blood loss or external anemia.wasir can give the feeling that there is something in the anus. There may also be leakage of mucus from the anus ( which creates a sense of incomplete bowel movement) , and quite often there is irritation and itching around the area ( because of difficulty to maintain a clean area) . Sometimes an internal hemorrhoid is really going to stay out of the anus, should be gently pushed back into place with fingers. Although usually not painful symptoms, hemorrhoids may be swollen and painful if it is upset or a blood clot had formed.

* Buy 1 Package Price: Rp. 195.000, -
* Buy 3 Pack Price USD. 400.000, -
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