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Santianshou ( SUPER PELANGSING BADAN KOREA) kwalitas no. 1 setiap beli 2 gratis 1 HUB.081229777842[Feb. 14, 2012 7:24:09]
PriceRp. 175.000,-
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Pack. & Deliverykardus
OriginKorea (South)

Korean slimming SANTIANSHOU just in 1 day straight slim. slimming world' s fastest international 100% natural juices from the plant without any side effects just sweating it. within 1 month to lose weight 8-20kg. to streamline the whole body, abdomen, arms and thighs. without cream, without the massage, without surgery, without a strict diet, non-invasive, no diarrhea, no serious sport.

- Just Drink a Day capsul
- With Warm Water Before Breakfast / Out Wake Up Morning.

How to Use this Slimming?
- This medicine can be drunk in the morning ( before or after meals) with warm water.
- One capsule just for one day.
- Stay Eat Like Ordinary Morning or afternoon because this is important to maintain the health of your body' s metabolism.
- For those who like to consume alcohol, as long as the use of this drug please stopped, because the bias slightly reduce the effectiveness of this Slimming in burning fat.

The composition contained in this magical slimming?
- This medicine dr tebuat plant extract that can suppress your appetite. Among others: sweet potato fiber, cyamoposis gum powder, amor phallus konjac ( extract from giant arum and Jerusalem artichoke) and alfalfa.
- In addition, these drugs also contain plant extracts that will absorb and reduce the fat in your body. Among others: Tuckahoe, kola, guttiferae plant, Coleus scutellarioides, guarana, and Trigonella foenumm marumi kumquat.
- So this product is very safe and reliable for the consumer .. karna made from natural materials?

About side effects?
- No need to worry. Because made of natural ingredients, the drug is free from side effects. You will not be mules, diarrhea, or behind the Fat again. As usual you experience when consuming other diet drug.
- This medicine is currently one of the best-selling drug in the world. For these drugs are very effective weight BDN 8-20kg per month.
Reaction What Happens Only In Body After Drinking SANTIANSHOU slimming no. 1 in the world in the body?
- This medicine will accelerate your metabolism up to many times.
- Burn calory Dlm body and increases energy.
- Potential effect of fullness and suppress appetite.
- Solving the distinguished stubborn fat deposits in your body and the result ...
You are going to a new body that is healthier, more beautiful and more beautiful.

Specifications drug?
- This medicine is available Dlm packaging box for one months usage.
- It contained 24 capsul @ 350mg.
- Store in a dry place with room temperature.

Promotion Price:
* Buy 1 Package Price: Rp. 175.000, -
* Buy 2 Bonus Package 1 Package Enough With the price of Rp. 350.000, -
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