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Name: | Mr. R I S M I Y A N T O [Director/CEO/General Manager] | |
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Address: | Jl. Wates No. 60 Kalibayem Yogjakarta Jogjakarta 55182, Yogyakarta Indonesia | |
24-hour Contact Center : 081 804 295353 | ||
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Registration Date: | May. 24, 2023 | |
Last Updated: | Dec. 10, 2011 | |
Business Nature: | Manufacturing, Trade, Service of Security & Protection category | |
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Our company CV. CITRA MANDIRI PERKASA ( Depot Safety Jogjakarta ) is involved in work safety and health ( PJK3) in fire protection field . Referring: The Letter of Decision of the Director of employment supervising and caring ( Surat Keputusan Direktur Jenderal Pembinaan Pengawasan Ketenagakerjaan) Nomor SKP.1281 / DJPPK/ AK3-U/ VIII/ 2009 about the assignment of general work safety and health given to : CV. Citra Mandiri Perkasa Based on the certificate of Indonesian employment and transmigration department ( Departemen Tenaga Kerja Dan Transmigrasi R.I ) No. 09.2826 / AK3-U/ DJPPK-P2K/ VIII/ 2009 given to: CV. Citra Mandiri Perkasa based on letter of information of the head of employment and transmigration department of Yogyakarta Province. ( Surat Keterangan Kepala Dinas Tenaga Kerja Dan Transmigrasi Provinsi Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta) No. 566 / 4645 as service company of work safety and health in fire protection field. based on the letter of decision of the assignment of the Director of employment supervising and caring ( Depnakertrans R.I Direktorat Jenderal Pembinaan Pengawasan Ketenagakerjaan) Nomor : Kep. 142 / PPK-PNK3/ KB-IL-PK/ V/ 2010 THE ASSIGNMENT OF SERVICE COMPANY OF WORK SAFETY AND HEALTH Job activities: the installation and maintenance of fire protection including small fire extinguisher ( APAR) , alarm detection installation, hydrant system, sprinkler System and integrated automatic extinguisher system. Remembering: 1. The laws ( Undang-undang) Nomor 1Tahun 1970; 2. The rule of Employment Ministry of Indonesia ( Peraturan Menteri Tenaga Kerja R.I) No. Per. 02/ Men/ 1983; 3. The rule of Employment Ministry of Indonesia ( Peraturan Menteri Tenaga Kerja R.I ) No. Per. 04/ Men/ 1995; 4. The instruction of Employment Ministry of Indonesia No. Ins. 11/ Men/ 1997; 5. the Letter of decision of Employment Ministry of Indonesia ( Keputusan Menteri Tenaga Kerja) No. Kep. 186/ Men/ 1999. Based on: 1. The laws ( Undang-undang) Nomor 1Tahun 1970; about work safety 2. The rule of Employment Ministry of Indonesia ( Peraturan Menteri Tenaga Kerja R.I ) Nomor PER.02/ Men/ 1992 about the regulation of the assignment of obligation and authority of work safety and health expert. 3.The rule of Indonesian employment and transmigration department ( Peraturan Menteri Tenaga Kerja dan Transmigrasi R.I ) Nomor PER.05/ Men/ IV/ 2007 about the organization and work regulation of Indonesian employment and transmigration department. Therefore, as the job field that we do, there are some activities: Planning/ Providing/ selling/ installing/ maintaining/ fire extinguisher equipment refilling, reconditioning, normalization, and the simulation fire danger anticipation practice, involved in supplier/ seller/ the kinds of the equipments/ devices/ spare parts; work safety, self protection equipment, fire extinguisher equipment ( Portable, Trolly/ car, Thermatic) Hydrant System, Sprinkler System and Alarm System. We also serve repairment, training, maintenance and refilling, as well as the installment of fire extinguisher equipment from all brands, such as: â € ¢ Fire Extinguisher equipment Brand MAXGUARD â € ¢ Fire Extinguisher equipment Brand Yamato â € ¢ Fire Extinguisher equipment Brand Chubb â € ¢ Fire Extinguisher equipment Brand Gunnebo â € ¢ Fire Extinguisher equipment Brand Servvo â € ¢ Fire Extinguisher equipment Brand Fuhrer â € ¢ Fire Extinguisher equipment Brand Alpindo â € ¢ Fire Extinguisher equipment Brand ARINDO â € ¢ Fire Extinguisher equipment Brand Maskot â € ¢ Fire Extinguisher equipment Brand Protect â € ¢ Fire Extinguisher equipment Brand Protektor â € ¢ Fire Extinguisher equipment Brand INDOKA â € ¢ Fire Extinguisher equipment Brand VIKING â € ¢ Fire Extinguisher equipment Brand Sysco â € ¢ Fire Extinguisher equipment Brand Appron â € ¢ Fire Extinguisher equipment Brand ALTEK â € ¢ Fire Extinguisher equipment Brand PYROMAX â € ¢ Fire Extinguisher equipment Brand PYRENE â € ¢ Fire Extinguisher equipment Brand MAXIMAX â € ¢ Fire Extinguisher equipment Brand DAFO â € ¢ Fire Extinguisher equipment Brand CHUBB â € ¢ Fire Extinguisher equipment Brand FIREGUARD â € ¢ etc. With all kinds of media that are used, such as: â € ¢ ABC Dry Chemical Powder â € ¢ BC POWDER â € ¢ Hallon BCF 1211 â € ¢ Halon Free â € ¢ CF 21 â € ¢ Hallotron 1 â € ¢ NAF P IV â € ¢ Sofkaflam â € ¢ Carbon Dioxida ( Co2 ) â € ¢ FAOM AB â € ¢ FOAM AFFF And all types such as: Portable, Trolly & Thermatic System, with competitive price, economical, warrant guaranteed, and good quality guaranty as you wish and need, giving delivery service or work service at your house or office. We also provide fire extinguisher equipment rental. For Yogyakarta city Area and the surroundings, we offer consultation service, Field survey and fire extinguisher equipment re-checking with free of charge at your place ( House, office, Showroom, garage, industry, office buildings, hotels, hospitals, mobile delivery service, gas station ( SPBU and SPPBE) , etc. The advantages you can get: 1. Knowing how to put fire extinguisher equipment well as the governmentâ € ™ s regulation and your needs, both from the media or the size. 2. Knowing from the very beginning, if there is fire extinguisher equipment that needs reconditioning or repairing, so that we can use it properly at anytime, in order to minimize the fire danger risks. 3. We report the result of the examination in the form of Examination Report ( Laporan Pemeriksaan) so that we know the condition/ the needs of fire extinguisher equipment optimally. We also provide informal training in order to avoid and to anticipate fire danger, so that we hope that we have the knowledge how to avoid and to anticipate fire especially how to use fire extinguisher equipment everyday and continuously by using expired fire extinguisher equipment or APAR tube that will be refilled. VISION AND MISSION Becoming an advanced safety company in safety protection equipment and service supplier of all kinds of safety equipment in fire protection. We will give the best satisfaction for the custumers through the best price, competitive, products, and qualified service as well as long guaranty with high quality products. Depot Safety is the answer for all the solution of trusted safety products, that protect your lives and investments. Give your trust to our company CV.Citra Mandiri Perkasa - Depot Safety Group that has branches in many big cities in Indonesia. We are ready to give service in your cities like: Jakarta, Bandung, Cilacap, Purwokerto, Tegal, Pekalongan, Kebumen, Gombong, Purworejo, Wates, Kulonprogo, Jogjakarta, Magelang, Salatiga, Semarang, Ungaran, Demak, Kudus, Jepara, Pati, Blora, Rembang, Purwodadi, Sragen , Solo, Madiun , Jawa Timur, Surabaya, Jember, Bali, Medan, Padang, Pekanbaru, Palembang, Jambi, Balikpapan, Banjarmasin, Makassar, Manado , Maluku, Maluku Utara, Ternate, Sulawesi, Kalimantan, Sumatera, Palembang, Riau. etc Our job fields in safety include: Office equipments and tools, such as : â € ¢ vaults â € ¢ iron/ steel cupboard â € ¢ Filling Cabinet â € ¢ vault doors â € ¢ Banker Safes â € ¢ Deposit Box â € ¢ Hotel Safes â € ¢ emergency exit doors â € ¢ ATM relocationâ € ¢ Security Safes â € ¢ CCTV camera â € ¢ Security Alarm â € ¢ cashier machines â € ¢ paper destroyer machines â € ¢ LPG Detector â € ¢ BROTHER OFFICE EQUIPMENT â € ¢ Chubb Safes â € ¢ Solligen â € ¢ Sargent â € ¢ Conceal â € ¢ Secure Line â € ¢ Dragon â € ¢ Amaro â € ¢ Prima â € ¢ Cobra Safes â € ¢ Guardian Safes â € ¢ Kastel Safes , dll. We also provide vault repairmen or iron/ steel cupboard from all brands. - Lost/ forgotten/ broken key combination - the moving/ relocating the vault or steel cupboard - Modification and Spare Part - selling new and used products - vault/ steel cupboard rental - vault / steel cupboard selling and changing etc. WE EXIST BECAUSE YOUR INVESTMENTS NEED PROTECTION FROM ALL DANGERS Website : www.depot-safety.com E-mail : sales@ depot-safety.com BEST REGARDS, Management | ||
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