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Fingerprint and SmartCard Time Recorder

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Fingerprint and SmartCard Time Recorder
Fingerprint and SmartCard Time Recorder

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  • Topaz signature data capture

    Topaz signature data....

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    The Topaz IDLite 1x5 with RF Sensor allows you to capture both secure biometric forensic signatures and electronic fingerprints in one economical device. The RF touchpad sensor....

  • Access Card Door Control

    Access Card Door....

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    Door access control system allows authorized employees to enter and exit various rooms while keeping your office and avoid unauthorized persons can not be out of the room. Access....

  • Door access card control system - standalone

    Door access card....


    RFID access control with proximity card - standalone system .

    We offer standalone access card for your office.
    This system can be accessed by rf card

    for enquery please do....

  • Inlay Mifare Label - Self Adhesive Card Label

    Inlay Mifare Label -....


    In addition to produce and provide various types of smartcard with a variety of features, specifications and international standards, we also provide smart card-type labels or....

  • 701F= Alat Absen karyawan sidikjari MURAH

    701F= Alat Absen....


    Tape recorder fingerprint time attendance which has high accuracy in fingerprint scanning sensor with biozk contour. Can be operated with or without a computer with fingerprint....

  • Kamera CCTV dan IP Camera

    Kamera CCTV dan IP....



    CPU :
    * Operation system : Embedded Linux OS
    * Microcomputer processor : 32Bit RSIC Embedded Processor

    * Compression format : Motion-JPEG-N
    * ....

  • Fingerprint Facial Detection Presence

    Fingerprint Facial....


    Ready Fingperint and Face Presence Attendance system.

    Call ( 021) 32777021

  • ACP2000 Access Card for Complex Access Control

    ACP2000 Access Card....


    Ultramatic ACP-2000
    is the unit for access control authorization requirements and the door of the room complex with many features.

    # Control over 2 doors / 4 readers / 2 the....

  • U704FU Absensi Sidik Jari Web Base Service HeavyDuty

    U704FU Absensi Sidik....


    U-704FU are fingerprints attendance machine with a powerful ability and accuracy can be guaranteed 100% sure. Can even read the contours of difficult fingers. This machine can be....

  • MG3000 Standalone Smart Access Control Touch Pad

    MG3000 Standalone....


    MG3000 Series access smart card is a tool for access control security, both within the office, school, home, and other special rooms. This tool works independently, which means....

  • U-704F=Absensi Sidikjari - fingerprint time recorder

    U-704F= Absensi....


    Fingerprint timer recorder for attendance system with low cost and fully guarranty

  • US602/U6000 fingerprint scanner

    US602/ U6000....


    Fingerprint time recorder with usb port interface and with low cost

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