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Mr. Aji [Marketing]
Instant Messaging:
Y!: ajihendra@yahoo.com 
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Phone number of Mr. Aji at Bekasi
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Mobile number of Mr. Aji at Bekasi
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Fax number of Mr. Aji at Bekasi
Jl. Telkom/Macem No.81 (samping telkom) Pedurenan - Mustika Jaya - Setu Bantar Gebang
Bekasi 17156, Jawa Barat
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Pagar BRC,  Pagar Harmonika dan kawat duri
Our Product : BRC Fence, Chaink Link, Barbed Wire, Column Practical, Wire Mesh, Pole BRC, BRC Door, Pole KWH, Pole ACPDB, Street Pole, Cable Tray, and Fabrication
Wire Mesh dan Kolom Praktis
We Sale Fence BRC, cable tray,
Wire Mesh, ETC.
Please contact to : Aji Hendra S.
62-21-68359173 or 087878909369 or email ajihendra@ yahoo.com
Kawat Harmonika
New Product from PT. Fencing, CHAINK LINK, made from spacing 30x30, 40x40 and 50x50 material from Light Galvanize.
Kawat Duri
Fencing is manufacture for barbed wire made is Light galvanize and Hot dip. Galvanize, stock on 30 meters, 50 meters and 65 meters please contact aji hendra 0878-78909369
CABLE TRAY SIKU Hotdip Galvanizing
we is Manufacturing product cable tray siku use for tower and we fabrication for metal work.
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