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    Bitter orange fruit P.E

    Bitter orange fruit P.E

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    English name:Bitter Oranger fruit
    Latin name: Citrus aurantium
    Acitve:zhi shi has been used in traditional medicine around the world for centuries. Africans apply the open fruit directly on ulcers, open wounds,and on joints that have rheumatic symptoms.Italy,Mexico and latin America healers use the leaves and fruit to fight fevers,stimulate digestion, as a tonic,and as a relaxer.
    Chemically, the peel is rich in synephrine which is known as a decongestant,and also helps maintain normal breathing,The fruit also stimulates digestion and may be helpful in maintaining normal bowel movements.
    Clinical research has suggested many excellent benefits connected with the herb.For instance,synephrine binds to B-3 receptors,Causing an increase in thermogenesis(metabolism)
    Product Specification:Synephrine>8%,15%,20%,25%
    Test method and standard sample
    1.Sigma company’s standard sample
    2.Test by HPLC
    Product characteristic:
    1.It can be extracted from raw material according to the customer’s request.
    2.the raw material are natural.It assures the product quality.
    3.the extraction process only use water and Ethanol as solvent.
    4.The water, ash and residue lower, Heavy metal are controlled standards.

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