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    WASH XL & WASH HD ( Industrial Cleaning)

    WASH XL & WASH HD ( Industrial Cleaning)

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    Specification :

    Biodegradable, non-toxic and non-flammable all-purpose natural cleaners and degreasers for industrial, commercial, hospitality and institutional applications. Not caustic or solvent based. HD can be microbially activated to remediate resulting waste water, and contains a rust inhibitor. XL is designed for vapour control and permanent dispersion. Wash XL is made in Australia.

    Enretech Wash XL and Wash HD are high performance blend of colloids, sequestrants, surfactants, and wetting/ scrubbing agents. Their unique formulations, when combined with water in various dilutions, will emulsify fats, greases, lipids, and oils, so that these compounds can be rinsed away with water. The products do not contain hydrocarbon solvents, phosphates, builders or reagents, and will not attack, rubber, plastic, vinyl, glass or natural finishes.

    The emulsion formed by Wash HD breaks over a short time period and is thus suitable for use with oilwater interceptor systems. Wash HD also leaves a protective ftlm on metal surfaces, acting as a rust inhibitor. The emulsion formed by Wash XL does not break and is thus suitable for oil dispersion on water, for vapour/ odour control and for any cleaning application where the resulting wastewater is discarded to sewer.

    * Process Industries: replaces detergents, citrus and caustic cleaners
    * Waste Management: for use in cleaning bins, sludge tanks, soil remediation ( vapour suppression) , or equipment cleaning.
    * Fleet Maintenance: for engine/ parts washing and both interior and exterior cleaning.
    * Maritime: for cleaning decks, bulkheads, hulls and engine rooms.
    * Mining and Heavy Industry
    * Food and Hospitality: replaces a multitude of cleaning products with just one. Good for cleaning walls, counters, floors, windows, bathrooms, kitchens, etc.


    * Non-toxic, non-eorrosive, non-flanunable.
    * Biodegradable
    * No petroleum solvents or caustics
    * Most cleaning jobs can be handled by one product; dilution ratios vary by task.
    * Waste water can be bioremediated ( Wash HD only)


    Wash XL

    205 L drum
    Quantity: 4/ Pallet

    25 L drum
    Quantity: Pack of 2

    Wash XL

    205 L drum
    Quantity: 4/ Pallet

    25 L drum
    Quantity: Pack of 2

    5 L bottle
    Quantity: Pack of 4

    Wash XL and Wash HD provide superior performance when combined with a high pressure warm water spray. In spray washing, best results are obtained by the use of high pressure, low volume equipment.

    The best method of application is to wet the surface to be cleaned with Wash XL or HD in the appropriate dilution with water. Let the solution stand on the surface to be cleaned until the contaminant on the surface is loosened Always start at the bottom ofthe vertical surface to be cleaned and apply the solution upwards.

    Using the equipment described, start the rinse operation at the top of the surface and rinse downward. Hold the spray nozzle of the gun approximately 15-20 cm from the surface at a 45° angle and move forward. This action causes the water to penetrate under the loosened material and to roll it forward in front of the spray nozzle.

    A range of cleaning applications and corresponding dilution ratios is available upon request.

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