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Name:Mr. Anton Kadantsev [Director/CEO/General Manager]
E-mail:Send Message
Mobile Number:Mobile number of Mr. Anton Kadantsev at New York
Phone Number:Phone number of Mr. Anton Kadantsev at New York
Fax Number:Fax number of Mr. Anton Kadantsev at New York
Address:130 Church Street Suit 366
New York 10007, New York
United States
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Registration Date:May. 24, 2023
Last Updated:Apr. 22, 2006
Business Nature:Manufacturing, Organizations of Food & Beverage category

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Company Brief

The brand name " THE RINGING CEDARS OF RUSSIA" stands for business integrity, decency and the highest possible quality of product. All products marketed under this brand name convey the primordial power of Nature and the warmth of our hearts. We offer:
An amazing series of books written by bestselling Russian author Vladimir Nikolaevich Megre, full of profound knowledge and wide-ranging significance, along with video- and audio-tapes related to these books.
A variety of high-quality cedar products, including cedar nuts, cedar flour and cedar nut oil.
Huge plantations of cedar trees grow in the Siberian taiga, said to be the ecologically purest area of the world. The virgin forest of the taiga has never been treated with any chemicals or artificial fertilisation, nor abused by agricultural machines. Cedar nuts ( the seeds of the cedar tree) take two years to mature, during which time the tree accumulates a huge volume of positive cosmic energy. Crops of nuts are harvested manually by people lovingly devoted to this task, working in a pleasant environment without undue haste to create unique products full of positive energy reflecting the infinite powers of Nature. Specific preparations include:
We pick only cedar cones which fall naturally from the trees, thus ensuring that only ripe cones are selected. We always avoid hitting the trees to shake unripe cedar cones down ( as happens with some other commercial operations) â € ” a practice which causes the nuts to lose their healing power.
Cones are then manually shelled with the help of wooden shell-removers. Nut centres are separated from their shells using wooden rollers.
Cedar nut oil and cedar nut flour marketed under our brand name are obtained by the cold-pressure method, using manual wooden oil-presses.
Cedar nut oil is then stored in special containers and packed by the Novosibirsk Medication Factory using unique technology to avoid any contact with metal. The whole process is strictly supervised to ensure it complies with all sanitary requirements.
Final products are placed in special packaging to prevent daylight penetration, and stored at a temperature of 0Â ° C to + 5Â ° C to better preserve the product' s natural components. The resulting product is a bright gold-coloured liquid with the pleasant smell of cedar nuts. It is a 100% natural product with strong healing powers.
Special steps have been taken to protect " THE RINGING CEDARS OF RUSSIA" cedar nut oil against counterfeit .
First, the package features a small calendar with a portrait of Anastasia.
Second, each box contains one half of a ten-rouble note with an official registration number. The second half of the note is retained by THE RINGING CEDARS OF RUSSIA official representative. You will find the E-mail address anti-counterfeit@ energyoflife.ca printed on each box â € ” this address you can use to verify the authenticity of the product you have purchased.
We wish you and your family love and prosperity!
Our warmest regards,
Official Representative of THE RINGING CEDARS OF RUSSIA.

Major Products / Services
  • Pine nuts oil 100g. bottle.
    Siberian cedar nuts (pine nuts) contain about 60% oil. They are therefore pressed to obtain cedar nut oil, which is available on the market as a very expensive gourmet cooking oil. Cold pressing in all-wooden presses is preferred to retain the nutritional properties of nuts and derive the oil of highest quality.
    The cedar nut oil bearing "The Ringing Cedars of Russia" brand comes exclusively from wild-harvested Siberian cedar nuts (Siberian pine nuts) - one of the most nutritious pine nuts in the world. In comparison, other pine nut oils are usually pressed from the Italian pignolia pine nuts, which are not nearly as potent and are often harvested from trees growing in plantations. Our pine nut oil is extra virgin (100% cold pressed from freshly shelled raw pine nuts), whereas most pine nut oils on the market are either not cold pressed or even pressed from roasted (!) pine nuts, which significantly decreases the oil value. Finally, "The Ringing Cedars of Russia" pine nut oil is the only pine nut oil available on the market anywhere in the world pressed with wooden presses in accordance with traditional techniques described in Vladimir Megre's life-changing book "The Ringing Cedars of Russia" (available from our on-line Store). In contrast, all other pine nut oils are pressed using steel presses, which immediately degrades them (contact with steel oxidizes some of the pine nut oil's most important ingredients such as vitamins, and is known to remove the 'life force' from the oil).
    Cedar nut oil has also traditionally been used in ancient Russian natural medicine to cure a wide array of ailments - ingested (decreasing blood pressure, boosting immune system resistance, etc.) or applied externally (a range of dermatological disorders). Pine nut oil contains pinolenic acid, a polyunsaturated fatty acid, to stimulate cell proliferation, prevent hypertension, decrease blood lipid and blood sugar, and inhibit allergic reactions. It is also used in expensive cosmetics.
    The unique pine nut oil bearing "The Ringing Cedars of Russia" brand is available from www.RingingCedarsofRussia.com on-line Store. It has a shelf life of 12 months (refrigerated).

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