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ELC ( Excellent Learning Center) pusat kursus & bimbingan belajar

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ELC ( Excellent Learning Center) pusat kursus & bimbingan belajar
ELC ( Excellent Learning Center) pusat kursus & bimbingan belajar
Company Profile
Company Contact
Name:Mrs. Shanty Nirmala [Director/CEO/General Manager]
Mobile Number:Mobile number of Mrs. Shanty Nirmala at Bogor
Phone Number:Phone number of Mrs. Shanty Nirmala at Bogor
Address:Jl. Raya Leuwiliang Warnasari Timur Cibeber 1 (dekat SMAN 1 Leuwiliang/depan GOR Arafah) Bogor-JAWA BARAT
Bogor, Jawa Barat
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Registration Date:May. 24, 2023
Last Updated:Sep. 26, 2011
Business Nature:Service of Agriculture category

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Company Brief

ELC ( Excellent Learning Centre)
Courses & Tutoring Center.

A. Course Program:
1. language
- Home
- Mandarin
- Japanese
2. computer Management
- Ms. Office + Internet
- Visual Basic
- Autocad
- Graphic Design
3. In House Private Treaning & Packages
- Bussines Home
- Brevet A, B, C
- Export Import
4. Equality package
- Package A ( SD)
- Package B ( Junior)
- Package C ( SMA)
5. Aaccounting
- Basic accounting
- Intermediate
- Adfance

B. Tutoring Program:
1. SD ( 3, 4, 5, 6) :
- Mathematics, Science, IP, Bhs.Inggris, Bhs. Indonesia
2. SMP ( 7, 8, 9) :
- Mathematics, Physics, Biology, Bhs.Indonesia, Bhs.Inggris,
Economics, History & Geography
3. SMA ( 10, 11, 12) " IPA / IPs " :
- Mathematical Biology, Physics, Chemistry, Bhs.Inggris, Bhs.Indonesia,
Economics, Geography, history / sociology

> With the rapid teaching methods ( Fast Learning Method)
> The subject matter in accordance with SBC ( Unit Level Curriculum
Education) and graduation competency standards
> The team is very experienced and Professional Teacher of the air
Higher education as Negri and private
> Learning atmosphere full of intimacy between instructor and
> Students are given Try Out and simulation TAU, UN, UPTN to -
ahead of the exam
> Each class maximum 15 students
> Facilities are equipped with air-conditioning learning
> Menyadiakan instructor companion for students who experience
learning difficulties at school.

NB: FREE WIFI! ! ! weeks to all students.

Major Products / Services
  • Kursus & Bimbingan Belajar
    Pusat Kursus & Bimbingan Belajar.

    A. Program Kursus :
    1. Bahasa
    - English
    - Mandarin
    - Japanese
    2. Komputer Manajement
    - Ms. Office + Internet
    - Visual Basic
    - Autocad
    - Desain Grafis
    3. In House Treaning & Paket Private
    - Bussines English
    - Brevet A, B, C
    - Export Import
    4. Paket Kesetaraan
    - Paket A ( SD)
    - Paket B ( SMP)
    - Paket C ( SMa)
    5. Aaccounting
    - Basic accounting
    - Intermediate
    - Adfance

    B. Program Bimbingan Belajar :
    1. SD ( 3, 4, 5, 6 ) :
    - Matematika, IPA, IP, Bhs.Inggris, Bhs. Indonesia
    2. SMP ( 7, 8, 9) :
    - Matematika, Fisika, Biologi, Bhs.Indonesia, Bhs.Inggris,
    Ekonomi, Sejarah & Geografi
    3. SMA ( 10, 11, 12) " IPA/ IPs " :
    - Matematika Biologi, Fisika Kimia, Bhs.Inggris, Bhs.Indonesia,
    Ekonomi, Geografi, sejarah/ Sosiologi

    Keunggulan ELC COURE CENTRE :
    > Dengan metode pengajaran cepat ( Fast Learning Method)
    > Materi pelajaran sesuai dengan KTSP ( Kurikulum Tingkat Satuan
    Pendidikan) dan standar kompetensi kelulusan
    > Tim Pengajar sangat berpengalaman dan Profesional dari ber
    bagai perguruan Tinggi Negri maupun Swasta
    > Suasana belajar yang penuh keakraban diantara instruktur dan
    > Siswa diberikan Try Out serta simulasi TAU, UN, UPTN men -
    jelang ujian
    > Tiap kelas maksimal 15 siswa
    > Fasilitas belajar dilengkapi dengan AC
    > Menyadiakan instruktur pendamping bagi siswa yang mengalami
    kesulitan belajar disekolah.

    NB : FREE WIFI ! ! ! utuk semua siswa.

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