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  • Pegagan serbuk/ instant

    Pegagan serbuk/ ....

    Rp.270.000 / Kg - ( teh pegagan Rp. 15.000 )

    Centella asiatica is simplisianya known as Centella Herba contains asiaticoside, thankuniside, isothankuniside, madecassoside, brahmoside, brahmic acid, brahminoside, madasiatic....

  • Petis Sumenep Asli Enak

    Petis Sumenep Asli....

    Rp. 15.000,- s/d Rp. 45.000,-

    we sell processed fish products from the Petis Super, suitable for salad and food or saos.the prices are varians depending on the type of fish processed

  • Kerupuk Tiram

    Kerupuk Tiram

    Rp. 30.000,- Per Kg - Rp. 15.000,- per 500 Gr

    We sell quality products Super Oyster Crackers prepared from fresh oysters just taken from our farms, there are special prices for distributors

  • Jamu Tradisional - Inner Beauty

    Jamu Tradisional -....

    Rp.85.000,- per paket isi 20 bungkus

    emit an aura of beauty from within and rejuvenate cells

  • Jamu Tradisional - The Power of Within

    Jamu Tradisional -....

    Rp. 85.000,- per Paket isi 20 bungkus

    This herbal medicine will follow the intention of the peminumnya, so you just say the intention of your needs that have not been answered and this herbal drink, then the quantum....

  • Sari Ceplukan Instant

    Sari Ceplukan....

    Rp.45.000 per 1 Kg , Rp. 25.000 per 500 gr , Rp.13.000 per 250 gr $ 7,00

    Ceplukan ( Physalis peruviana, Linn.)
    Curable Disease:
    Diabetes mellitus, lung pain, Ayan, ulcers;

  • Serbuk Patikan Kerbau

    Serbuk Patikan....

    Rp.45.000 per 1 Kg , Rp. 25.000 per 500 gr , Rp.13.000 per 250 gr $ 7,00

    Make sure Buffalo ( Euphorbia hirta, Linn.)
    Curable Disease:
    Sore throat, bronchitis, asthma, dysentery, inflammation of the stomach, diarrhea, blood urine, inflammation of....

  • Sari Tapak Kuda Instant

    Sari Tapak Kuda....

    Rp.45.000 per 1 Kg , Rp. 25.000 per 500 gr , Rp.13.000 per 250 gr $ 7,00

    Horse Tread ( Ipomoea pes-caprae ( L.) Sweet)
    Curable Disease:
    Rheumatism, muscle pain / aches ( myalgia) , Hemorrhoids, Toothache, Swelling of gums;

  • Sari Mengkudu Instant

    Sari Mengkudu....

    Rp.45.000 per 1 Kg , Rp. 25.000 per 500 gr , Rp.13.000 per 250 gr $ 7,00

    ( Morinda citrifolia, Linn.)
    Curable Disease:
    Hypertension, jaundice, fever, Influenza, cough, abdominal pain; Removal of scales on the feet;

  • Serbuk Tapak Liman

    Serbuk Tapak Liman

    Rp.45.000 per 1 Kg , Rp. 25.000 per 500 gr , Rp.13.000 per 250 gr $ 7,00

    Tread Liman ( elephantopus scaber L.)
    Curable Disease:
    Influenza, fever, tonsillitis, sore throat, sore eyes; Dysentery, diarrhea, snake bites, cough, jaundice, Busung water; ....

  • Sari Benalu Instant

    Sari Benalu Instant

    Rp.45.000 per 1 Kg , Rp. 25.000 per 500 gr , Rp.13.000 per 250 gr $ 7,00

    Parasite ( Loranthus, Spec. Div.)
    Curable Disease:
    Tumor, Cancer, tonsillitis, measles;

  • Sari Daun Alpukat Instant

    Sari Daun Alpukat....

    Rp.45.000 per 1 Kg , Rp. 25.000 per 500 gr , Rp.13.000 per 250 gr $ 7,00

    Avocados ( Persea gratissima Gaertn.)
    Curable Disease:
    Sprue, moisturize the skin scabby, urinary stones, headaches, high blood ( hypertension) , nerve pain ( neuralgia) , ....

  • Sari Daun Kentut Instant

    Sari Daun Kentut....

    Rp.45.000 per 1 Kg , Rp. 25.000 per 500 gr , Rp.13.000 per 250 gr $ 7,00

    Leaves Farts ( Paederia scandens ( Lour.) Merr.)
    Curable Disease:
    Inflammatory bowel disease ( enteritis) , bronchitis, rheumatic, broken bones, sprains, cramps, abdominal....

  • Sari Belimbing Wuluh Instant

    Sari Belimbing Wuluh....

    Rp.45.000 per 1 Kg , Rp. 25.000 per 500 gr , Rp.13.000 per 250 gr $ 7,00

    Wuluh Carambola ( Averrhoa bilimbi L.)
    Curable Disease:
    Cough, cold sores ( stomatitis) , stomach pain, mumps ( parotitis) , : rheumatism, whooping cough, bleeding gums, ....

  • Sari Jambu Biji Instant

    Sari Jambu Biji....

    Rp.45.000 per 1 Kg , Rp. 25.000 per 500 gr , Rp.13.000 per 250 gr $ 7,00

    Guava ( Psidium guajava, Linn.)
    Curable Disease:
    Diabetes mellitus, Maag, Diarrhea ( abdominal pain) , Cold, beser; Prolapsisani, Thrush, Skin Hospital, a new wound;

  • Sari Beluntas Instant

    Sari Beluntas....

    Rp.45.000 per 1 Kg , Rp. 25.000 per 500 gr , Rp.13.000 per 250 gr $ 7,00

    Beluntas ( Pluchea indica ( L.) Less.)
    Curable Disease:
    Body odor, appetite, reduce heat, scabies, tuberculosis;

  • Serbuk Cabe Jawa

    Serbuk Cabe Jawa

    Rp.80.000 per 1 Kg , Rp. 40.000 per 500 gr , Rp.20.000 per 250 gr $ 9,00

    Cabe Java ( Piper retrofractum Vahl.)
    Curable Disease:
    Stomach cramps, vomiting, flatulence, colic, dysentery, diarrhea, ; hard bowel movements, headache, toothache, cough, ....

  • Sari Teratai Instant

    Sari Teratai Instant

    Rp.80.000 per 1 Kg , Rp. 40.000 per 500 gr , Rp.20.000 per 250 gr

    Lotus ( Nelumbo Druce Nelumbium)
    Curable Disease:
    Diarrhea, dysentery, leucorrhoea, nasopharynx cancer, fever, insomnia, hypertension, vomiting blood, nosebleeds, coughing up....

  • Sari Buni Instant

    Sari Buni Instant

    Rp.65.000 per 1 Kg , Rp. 45.000 per 500 gr , Rp.35.000 per 250 gr $ 10,00

    Buni ( Antidesma bunius ( L.) Spreng.)
    Curable Disease:
    Less blood, dirty blood, hypertension, heart palpitations, cough, digestive disorders, Syphilis, Gonorrhea;

  • Sari Sirih Instant

    Sari Sirih Instant

    Rp.45.000 per 1 Kg , Rp. 25.000 per 500 gr , Rp.13.000 per 250 gr $ 7,00

    Betel ( Piper betle, Linn.)
    Curable Disease:
    Eye pain, eczema, bad breath, itchy skin, eliminate acne, bleeding gums, nosebleeds, bronchitis, cough, Sprue, Luka; Keputihan, ....

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