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Name:Ms. Angelita Luna [Director/CEO/General Manager]
E-mail:Send Message
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Y!: enange2002 
Mobile Number:Mobile number of Ms. Angelita Luna at Jakarta
Phone Number:Phone number of Ms. Angelita Luna at Jakarta
Address:JL. HOS Cokroaminoto No 22
Jakarta 15156, Jakarta
Average User ReviewThere is no review for this company - Write a review
Registration Date:May. 24, 2023
Last Updated:Sep. 13, 2009
Business Nature:Trade of Textile & Leather category

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Company Brief

We proudly present DORMIR LATEX for your beyond comfortable sleep during night & day. Our company established in year 2006 and started exporting latex mattres to Korea. Our success followed by request from other countries like Japan, Singapore and domestic market. Based on our exprienced & market researched, we found the high quality latex manufacturers in Europe Countries: Belgium, Germany, Netherlands & UK. They set up the manufacturers in Asia to reach asia market demands, thus we can deliver international quality latex mattress to you.

Many people questioned about the latex quality, yet not all of them get a satisfied answer or even a mislead one. Buying tips for a good Latex simply;
First, Latex should be not smell of anything else but rubber itselft.
Second, Latex should not easily deform.
Third, A good Latex company will provide you minimal 10 years Guaranty.

DOMIR LATEX provides you all, the best Quality and Comforts
with affordable price.

DORMIR value health, value your time
effort and we respect your dreams.

Have a good time sleep,

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