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    Huperzine A

    Huperzine A

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    Huperzine A
    1) Huperzine-A 1% , Pharmaceutical Grade White Powder( mixed Huperzine-A 99% with pharmaceutical dextrin as excipient)
    2) Huperzine-A 99% , Pharmaceutical Grade White Powder
    Huperzine A and Cognitive Function
    Huperzine A from H. serrata has gained popularity due to its ability to support cognitive function and is used in China to manage conditions like Alzheimer' s disease and vascular dementia. This is primarily due to its temporary acetylcholine esterase inhibiting effect. Acetylcholine is a neurotransmitter which delivers messages between brain cells. After messages are sent, nerve cells break down this neurotransmitter using an enzyme called acetylcholine esterase. Often in conditions of cognitive dysfunction like Alzheimer' s disease there is a lack of acetylcholine so one of the strategies for management is the inhibition of the enzyme that breaks it down. Several pharmacological medications like donezepil, galantamine, and rivastigmine work this way. Huperzine A appears to have additional neuroprotective, nerve-growth promoting, and N-methyl D-aspartate ( NMDA) receptor antagonist properties which further substantiate its use in cognitive support.

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