Welcome to Deterjen Nasional

Laundry business is a promising business , despite the development of new looks lately . Many people choose melaundry than washing clothes at home . Due to their better doing other things such as commercial activities or gather with family than washing clothes .

This business is not a business trend or seasonal business , so it will not be left to die era period . Repeat order of business is also clear , unlike other businesses such as selling phones where all the shopping , the spending will come back again for a long time . Laundry customers will return average in a week' s time .

Although many laundry businesses , but the market opportunity is still wide . Competitive services with good management will pass the laundry business of natural selection . Which is not good and that is not organized to lost natural selection .

However, there is interest in this business , which is to be the supplier for laundry chemicals . Needs chemical ( detergents , fragrances , softeners etc. ) is very high , especially supported by the abundant supply of goods made laundry detergent business is very lucrative .

We of the National Detergent invite you to join us as an agent or distributor of laundry detergent . Not just any laundry outlets target market , but there are hotels and restaurants are also in need of a variety of cleaners for their efforts . All there is in Laundry Detergent .

Our Marketing team will support fully to all National Detergent distribution network . Both the guidance of marketing and promotions online .

We also provide advise on the SOP a laundry service . If you want to open a laundry business , we are ready to guide you regarding the standard procedure room service , laundry management , brand image development , marketing strategies to help you draw up a franchise system ( franchise ) , laundry , laundry if you want to franchise .

If you want to ask more about the business opportunities and how to become a laundry detergent agent , please contact :

Web : www.deterjennasional.com
Email : weserve@ deterjennasional.com
Phone : + 62-361-9615313
Mobile : + 62-81-9999-79-133
WeChat : DeterjenNasional
Twitter : @ DeterjenLaundry
Facebook : http: / / fb.com/ DeterjenNasional

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