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Detajmahal House India and Midle East Restaurant

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Detajmahal House India and Midle East Restaurant
Detajmahal House India and Midle East Restaurant
Company Profile
Company Contact
Name:Mr. Andy [Director/CEO/General Manager]
Instant Messaging:
Y!: andy_ghalasa 
Mobile Number:Mobile number of Mr. Andy at Yogyakarta
Phone Number:Phone number of Mr. Andy at Yogyakarta
Address:Jl. Dewi Sartika No.11 A, Sagan, Jogjakarta
Yogyakarta 55223, Yogyakarta
Average User ReviewThere is no review for this company - Write a review
Registration Date:May. 24, 2023
Last Updated:Aug. 9, 2011
Business Nature:Trade, Service of Food & Beverage category

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Company Brief

We use â de Taj Mahal houseâ name from one of the popular place in the world, especially India ( strong brand and image) .

We choose location of â de Taj Mahal houseâ in the herritage area, which is centre of Jogjakarta city.

The â de Taj Mahal houseâ architecture and decorationis come from Aristocrat, Classic, Art, Romantic, Comfort and Homy style.

â de Taj Mahal houseâ Provide Food and Beverage presentation with kingdom style.

â de Taj Mahal houseâ open on February 2011, we have 10 years experience in managed High End Restaurant, â Gabah Resto.

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