Company Brief

Dearest Snackers ( D' Snacks lovers) :
See list of spicy and other variety snackers childhood to daily snacks below:
* Anak Mas: keju & ayam panggang
* Mie Lidi: asin & pedas
* Makaroni Bumbu: kari ayam ( NEW) , balado, keju, jagung bakar, ayam panggang & bebek asap
* Mamee
* Keripik Pisang Mr Monkey
* Roasted Mente
* Spix Fujimie
Delivery by JNE or Wahana ( AND
How to Order: ( PM / Email / BB / SMS)
* Name + Full Address + Phone# + List Order
We will reply you with the total amount including shipping charge and transfer to our BCA Or Mandiri account.
Any questions, contact email: desnacks@
SMS: 0817 0388 1977